All over

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Heyso we're nearing the end!!!! It's gonna get REALLY dramatic!!!!!!

All over

My heart skipped a slow deadly beat then stopped all together... I first could only be numb the numb coarser through every part of my body. It curled and clotted my insides and made me sick. Then slowly an empty fear hollowed my body to the point that the only thing inside me were that last sentence. Guilty. What did it mean I couldn't remember if it was good or bad I searched my brain for a logical answer. Then it was like reading out of a dictionary:

Guilty: culpable of or responsible of a wrongdoing...

My head hung at the realization. Suddenly two strong hands clamped something metal on my wrists restraining them. I just stood there still numb. I was prodded in the back and pushed out of the courtroom. I only looked up for a brief second to see Alice in the same situation. At this point I was positive that was all a scary incredibly long dream and I would wake up next to Alice and later I would spend the whole day with Jake.

I then gave up on the dream theory and accepted this fate as I was shoved into a police cruiser and droven down to the police station.


"Here ya are darlin' have fun!" said a grotesque tall man with ugly teeth. I nodded my head and stepped inside. There sitting in front of me was my new home...

A 14 by 14 cell with a bunk bed to one end of the room and a toilet looking thing to the other end... Great! Alice was across the hall and I could tell she was not liking getting acquainted with her cell mate. A large girl with three cuts on her face one going through her glassy blue eye that was most likely blind. Speaking of cell mates where was mine...

Almost on que I was tackled to the ground and flipped over to look the attacker in the eye. I was momentarily confused. The girl that straddled me was small with bright red hair died to look redder. She had a huge grin plastered on her face and a gleam in her bright green eyes. What the hell was she doing in here?!

"Hi! I'm Anna but everyone calls me pip like pippy longstalkings! Ha but don't let the name or looks fool ya! I'm in here for a good reason! My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend both knew we were goin out! So one day while they were at his house I snuck over through the back door and killed 'em! He's gonna think twice before cheating on someone in the afterlife! So enough about me who ate you? I wanna know name, age, and why you're in here!"

Wow she talked a lot! "Hi! I'm Erika... I'm about 15 and a half and I'm in here cause my friend Alice over in the stall across from us killed a man and I helped her hide the body plus drive half way across the united states with only a drivers permit. Then I attempted to forge a passport and fly to Italy where the police had no jurisdiction to arrest us. Too bad cause they were one step ahead and got us in the air port. So me and Alice made up a lie that someone kidnaped us and made us kill the man and we almost got away with it too! Except Alice told the truth and got us thrown in here!" pip stood there staring at me in amazement!

"Holy crap! Your bad a**! You can hang with me all you want!"

"Then can you get off of me?" in realization she jumped off pulling me with her.

All of a sudden a loud buzzer went off then the cold metal doors slid open screeching metallically... We all filed out to stand in a mismanaged line. I searched the crowd of ugly menacing peirced and tattooed girls for sweet little alice.

I soon spotted her yelling at a giant girl with percings covering her face. Then all of a sudden the girl swung at Alice and hit her in the jaw, her head snapped to the side and she fell to the ground. Everyone stopped and starred. I glared at the ugly pathetic girl who dared to lay a hand on the whole reason of my existence!

"Hey fat ass!" I shouted at her with a menacing growl. She turned to look at me "Yea the giant freak with thepeirced face, you lay another hand on that girl I'll show you why I'm in here!"

She laughed and turned around to finish off Alice. I ran at her and jumped on her back. She screamed as I ripped out one of her eyebrow percings. Her arms flailed and I hopped down kicking her in the gut causing her to fall backwards with a loud thud. She was like a turtle on her back trying desperately to get up. I spit on her to piss her off.

"You get up and I promise you won't a second time!" I shout then walk over to Alice and help her up. Everyone stayed out of my way. I then took her back to join Pip. We waited in line and made our way to the lunch room. As soon as I sat down everyone stayed clear of me and my friends!

I had a feeling this place wouldn't be so bad... But that was just a feeling...

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