Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 oh god were screwed!

We were scared shitless! Alice turned towards me with a white face. Oh shit. Oh shit! OH SHIT! It was all over they knew! They knew and now our lives were ruined!!!

Suddenly I snapped out of my mental freak-out. If we didn't calm down they would suspect something. I swiftly but casually walked to Alice to hold her hand. She looked up at me and saw my composed face. "Calm down or they'll suspect something." I whisper not even looking at her in an attempt to not draw attention.

Three officers came back to where we were standing. "Hello." One says with a kind smile. "May I take a look in your bags?" we hand our shoulder bags to him and he looks through them with a short stick. As he does this a woman comes up to us.

"Hold out your arms and spread your feet apart." She says. We do what we're told and waited in anticipation. The woman started with me holding out a black machine scanning it over my body and my pockets. She checks me claer and I stand aside waiting for Alice. The man has finished with our bags and stands guard. Suddenly a beeping noise goes off. We all stare to where it's coming from... Alice! The woman is holding the machine at her chest. The woman reaches down Alice's shirt( if this wasn't so damn scary that would be creepy!) and grabs a tiny locket... Her mom's locket. Alice must have forgotten to take it off before going through the scanner.

The woman lets it go smiling. "It's alright everyone!"She reasures us. "It was just a necklace!" Alice quietly sighed in relief, but it didn't matter because the woman still heard her. She looked at Alice suspiciosly.

"Well if everything's worked out then, if it's ok with you, we're gonna go." I say nonchalantly. The man nodds at me and I smile back. Me and Alice grab our bags and head over to were we get ready to board the plane.

Alice sighs in my ear and whispers "That was way to close I'm so sorry!"

I shake my head. "No your fine. Just be a little more careful!"

She nodds and we proceed to get in line. Anxiety surges through me as I realize how easy this was. All we needed was to get on that plane and never come back. I was a mess of mixed of emotions. Happy, scared, excited, relieved, nervous, and a feeling so deep down that I felt it with every part of my body. A deep brutaly painful sadness, that brought a thousand of the same picture to my mind... Jake. I quickly shoved the thought away as tears threatened to escape my eyes.

Finally the woman at a desk checked our tickets and sent us out to where the plane was landed. I finally feel truly free. That was definately my new favorite word! FREEDOM!!!!!

When we got on the plane and stored our luggage above our heads in the large compartment. I took the outside seat because Alice wanted to see out the window. As I settled down I took out my wallet playing with it as we wait for the plane to take off.

I looked throuh the money and was imediatly angry! All this money was doing for us was teering me and Alice away from our familys and friends and lives... I quickly directed my attention to something else in my wallet as my tears threatened to come back. I flipped through my photo's of myself. As I kept flipping I saw me in my favorite bathing suit, me on our porch holding my friends little dog, then our family when I was little and dad was still with us, then one with just me and mom, then about a thousand with Alice, us swinging on a park swing set, us laughing our heads off rolling around on the floor, goofy pictures of us with our new sunglasses we bought that time when we were in New York. I then came upon a set of pictures of random things I loved around our house. i was feeling better and better as I flipped through the pictures knowing that at least I wouldn't leave all of my old life behind. Then I came to my last picture. A picture I could have gone my whole life without seeing and would have been just fine. But there it was starring right at me so it was not avoidable... There sat a picture of Jake smiling his beautiful smile. He sat in his car starring at the camera from the corner of his eye, while still trying to keep his eyes on the road. I remembered it perfectly, he was driving me home and I had pulled out my camera taking random pictures. I was so close to crying I imediatly ent down and searched for a tissue in my bag. I was very aware at this point that that feeling I had of sadness was for him, and I was also aware that I was in love with Jake and I was so content in spending my whole lofe with him... If that were even possible...

Suddenly my head was jerked up and I was lifted out of my seat with strong hands. My temper imediatly shot through me and I turned so I could see the face of my attacker. He was very serious. I back handed him across the face and he faltered. I brought my knee up and got where it counts. He groaned and keeled over. I saw that another man was advancing towards Alice so I brought my leg up and kicked right in the jaw. I assumed he had bit his tongue because blood oozed out of his mouth. Alice asseced what was happening and joined me in taking them out. A man brought his arms down on Alice's shoulders and she drop kicked him making him stagger backwards. Awoman came up behind me holding me in a death grip. I struggled to get out of her hold. The man I kicked in the jaw was trying to get a hold on Alice so. I brought my legs up and with both kicked him in the small of his back making him crumple to the floor. I then put all my wieght on the woman and she fell backwards buckeling and crashing to the ground. We rolled around kicking and punching each other. Finally three bodies buried me and I was restrained. To the corner of my I saw that Alice had climbed the seats hanging upside down on the above rails. YES! Go Alice!!! I then realized I had spoken to soon, because a man grabbed hold of her waist and yanked her down. With that she let out a cry and I was imediatly furious! I visiously thrashed at everyone around me. Once my leg was free nothing was stopping me. The others also eventually lost there grips and I was free again. I jumped on the back of a man who was holding Alice's feet. I clawed at his eyes and he let her go, to go after me. Once again bodies all around me restrained me and I was carried off the plane with the team hold ing Alice following close behind. Shit! Well now we were screwed!

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