10. Moving and Shopping

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My parents are not at the house when we arrived so between Layla and myself we got the little items I have packed up in thirty minutes

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My parents are not at the house when we arrived so between Layla and myself we got the little items I have packed up in thirty minutes. Once we got back to the pack house Layla and I got everything up to the room in one trip thanks to a few warriors helped when they seen us. I have to make sure that I am a little more sneaky around here apparently, so that I can actually do things myself. Everyone seems so eager to help even if I say that I can do it.

With all my things in the room, I set out to start putting them in their proper place. Layla looks at what I have as we putting things in their place, making me roll my eyes at how inspecting she is.

"You know, Claire, we totally need to go shopping and soon." Layla looks over at me while she is hanging a few shirts up.

Sighing, at the fact she just said the word "shopping" has me already dreading it. "Layla I honestly don't need anything else."

"Claire you area Luna now! Hate to say it but your wardrobe is very scares. Plus, we totally need to go get some new lingerie since we both have mates now. Make them go wild!"

"LAYLA down girl! I do not want to think of you and my brother like that. GROSS!" Laughing the entire time. "I really don't need Tyler to be any crazier."

"Oh Claire men love it though." Layla gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine we will go there soon. Deal?" I sigh giving up, maybe if I just give in a little she will relent some.

"Deal! Oh Claire this is going to be so much fun! We totally need to get a few dresses also along with some nice shirts. Not to state the obvious you need more jeans that does not have rips in the knee area." Layla rambles on about everything she believes I need to get.

Tuning out slightly, while Layla carries on, I finish putting things in their new places. I decided to mind-link Tyler. Hey Ty, hoping your not to busy. Layla wants to go shopping. She says I need new clothes. Within just a few minutes I swear I could hearing laughing. Looking around to see Layla is still rambling on not even noticing I have not paid attention to one word. Go for it baby. I will be in and out of meetings all day with Nathan. I agree with Layla she has been blasting the mind-link telling Nathan and I about your wardrobe malfunction. Besides I want you to have nice things. Go have some fun baby. I will send a warrior with you two. Oh and baby love my nickname.

I turn to face Layla, I am fighting not to say something about the blabbering she has done to my mate and brother. "Well looks like we are going shopping." Watching as she drops the piece of clothing in her hands to begin jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas day. Walking outside, I see a warrior that Tyler said would be going with us as a extra security measure. We set out for the mall.

Layla parks the car in the mall parking space. Why does it feel like time flew just to get here? Couldn't I have just done this online? Would have been so much easier.

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