Easy choice

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Jay woke up already frustrated.
Yesterday, he had a meeting with his marketing director during which he was told that his new collection would be promoted by athletes. He didn't like the idea from the beginning, but it got worse with every word he heard. Their conversation kept resonating on his mind.

I don't care if they are famous. I want my designs to be worn by professionals, not some kids that are just known for sports... I bet none of them knows how to pose... They'll never be able to convey what I imagined for this collection.
I don't really understand how sponsoring a sports club would help the image of my brand as well, but I guess I should trust him, he has never disappointed me.

He sighed and got up. Getting ready in the morning was always difficult, but today the young designer had less motivation than usual.


Jay had decided to put this sport club sponsorship aside and focus on preparing the first photo shoot of the collection. He spent the entire morning working on a mood board, and at noon, he finally stopped to eat lunch.
He had prepared his lunchbox yesterday evening, and it looked and smelled delicious. The designer loved to cook and really enjoyed eating his creations afterwards. Before digging in, he put his headphones on and looked for his favorite show online.
As he took his first bite, he heard the familiar intro of "I'm Cooking on Sunshine, with chef Kim Seon-woo". He smiled at his screen, looking at the cheerful chef presenting the ingredients of today's dish.


The afternoon started and Jay got back on his mood board. He was so absorbed by his computer that he didn't even hear the first knocks on the door. His visitor tried again, successfully this time.
"Come in" said Jay loudly, still staring at his screen. His assistant was carrying several folders.

"I have the documents you wanted mister Park" she said, smiling at the designer.
"You can put them on my desk, thank you" he replied, not even looking at her.
She did as told and left, quite disappointed that he didn't give her attention.

Jay adjusted his glasses on his nose and took the first folder. He saw pictures of soccer players from the best teams. Even though some were physically attractive, he couldn't picture them wearing and promoting his latest collection. He went through the same deception for the next four folders, slowly thinking about giving up on this sport club's sponsorship. He might have to consider one of the ice skating athletes, but he kept imagining penguins wearing his clothes and laughed.
There's no way I'm having them wearing my collection.
He only had one document left, the blue one. He sighed and picked it.
This one was about a nationally famous taekwondo dojang. They had sent pictures of two athletes.

The first one was called Jeon Jeongkook.

Yeah, why not

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Yeah, why not.

How about the second athlete?

How about the second athlete?

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He's definitely the most handsome guy I've seen here. I guess I've been proven wrong...
He has such delicate figures which contrast with the fire in his eyes, I like him.

I can't believe I'm going to say that, but I think I want to work with him.

Jay stayed frozen for about a minute. Not ten minutes ago, he was despising this marketing idea, but now, he couldn't stop looking at the beautiful features of this Yang Jungwon.

He looks kinda familiar. Maybe I've already heard about him without remembering?

He quickly grabbed the computer mouse and opened his search engine. "Yang Jungwon taekwondo athlete" he typed.

"Yang Jungwon, 20 years old, wins another medal during the international competition this..."

"Yang Jungwon is training for the next Olympic Games..."

"Click here to watch the full interview of Teakwondo's new hope : Yang Jungwon..."

Maybe I've just heard about him on the news or something. That must be it.

Jay called his marketing director to let him know about his decision. The latter was quite surprised, but mostly happy hearing that he chose so fast.
"I'll take care of contacting the dojang, don't worry" he announced to Jay.

Jay thanked him and ended the phone call.

He was feeling a bit nervous, but he didn't even know why.
I guess I'm just tired. I have barely slept last night and I've worked hard today. Unless it's this boy. Jungwon.
Jay looked at his mood board again.
Not, it can't be it.

Jay was still confused and he didn't manage to focus on his work again. After trying for an hour, he decided that he needed some fresh air.

He grabbed his jacket and got out. His office was in a very busy street, in the heart of Seoul, so it was easy to go unnoticed in the crowd. He stopped at the next crossing, waiting for it to turn green for pedestrians. A bus passed slowly, and Jay recognized a now familiar face inside it. The bus stopped a few meters away to let passengers get out and Jay walked towards it, curious.

There he was, the taekwondo boy from the folder, sitting next to the window. The bus engine started and Yang Jungwon's face disappeared from the designer's sight.

Was this the most weird coincidence I've ever lived? How on earth was I outside at the right time to see this boy inside the bus?

Jay decided that it was enough for today. He quickly got back to his office, grabbed his stuff and went home.

His loft was the one place he felt the best. He had a huge walk in closet with all his cool clothes, a beautiful kitchen in which he experimented a lot and a cozy living room which was dedicated to his mild video game addiction. A perfect place for the 22 years old designer.

He laid on his couch, turned on the tv and zoned out.

I can't seem to think about anyone else..

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