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Jay and Jungwon turned themselves towards the voice.
Miss Seo was standing there, her hands holding branches of the weeping willow. She was breathing heavily, as if she had run for a while.

Jungwon got up before Jay.
"Listen here, you can't continue interfering with my life like that. I don't belong to you" he said.

Jay got up as well, admiring the confidence Jungwon had.

"That's what you think?" Asked miss Seo, with a deranged look on her face.
"Why on earth are you following us?" Replied Jay.
"Because I can't let you two be together" she said, laughing nervously. "I tried it the gentle way, but you didn't cooperate, did you?"
"Gentle? You call humiliating me and ratting me to my mother gentle?" Shouted Jungwon.
"I could have been way worse, trust me" she said. "Now come with me and I'll let him go freely" she added, looking at Jungwon, but pointing at Jay.

Jungwon knew he didn't have a lot of time to think. If he went with her she wouldn't hurt Jay. If he didn't, they were screwed. Jungwon knew how to fight, but fight his coach?
Wait, I can fight her.

Jungwon slowly walked in front of Jay and got ready. He put his right foot in front, bending his knees and lifted his hands.
"Jungwon, what are you doing?" Whispered Jay, completely scared for the young man.
"I'm protecting you" Jungwon whispered back, without looking at him.

"That's what you want?" Asked miss Seo, getting ready as well.
"Go big or go home right?" Answered Jungwon, looking fierce.

She attacked first, but Jungwon blocked her right away.
Jay was frozen. He knew he couldn't do anything for Jungwon right now, and he knew that if he tried to fight with him he would be a burden. He tried to process the fight going on in front of him but it was happening too fast.
Jungwon's attacks were powerful and precise, but miss Seo blocked them all.
She attacked back aggressively and Jay noted that even though Jungwon blocked most of her attacks, some of them hurt him a lot.
After a few minutes, she kicked him on the stomach. He fell back, tried to get up but tripped on a root and hit his head. Jay gasped, trying to reach Jungwon.

Miss Seo decided to take advantage of this mistake to firmly grab Jungwon's wrist. She started pulling him out of the tree.
Jay felt his body move without thinking about it. He jumped next to miss Seo and tried to make her let go of Jungwon. She looked at him for two seconds and laughed at his unsuccessful attempts. Miss Seo quickly turned her body and kicked Jay's leg, making him fall as well.

"You can't take him" he said, trying hard to speak with a stable voice.
"Why is that so? Are you going to stop me?" She said laughing again.
"You can't take him" Jay repeated. "If you do, I won't stop until I find him back. You will have to run away from me for the rest of your life."
Jay looked at her, with a dead serious expression.

"This is the man I love, I won't let you do anything to him" he said, getting up again.

As if Jungwon had heard Jay, he opened his eyes again. He felt a wave of warmth spread through his body, giving him strength. He looked behind him and saw that Jay was hurt.

That was it for him. He attacked miss Seo with all his strength. First she let go of his wrist and then she fell because of his attack. Jungwon ran to Jay.
"Are you okay?" He said, out of breath.
"I should be the one asking!" Replied Jay.
"Did she hit you in the face?" Quickly asked Jungwon. He looked behind and saw miss Seo starting to move again.
"No, she-" started Jay, before being interrupted by Jungwon's lips on his own.
It was the fastest, yet the bravest kiss they had shared until now.
Jay felt his face burning and realized how desperate he was to kiss Jungwon again.
The latter winked at him and turned back, facing miss Seo, who was standing up.

However, her expression wasn't the same anymore. She seemed zoned out.

"Jungwon, do you think she's weakened by our love?" Whispered Jay.

Jungwon didn't have time to thing about it, but it was worth a try.
"Park Jong-Seong, I love you" he shouted.

Miss Seo fell on her knees, screaming.

It's working.

"Look miss Seo, I don't know who you are, nor why you're here, but it's obvious now that you are weaker than our love. You can't do anything to us" said Jungwon.
He felt Jay moving behind him. Jay came back with a glass and a knife. He had an idea.

Before Jungwon could stop him, he cut his hand, let the knife fall and placed the glass under his wound.
His blood dripped into the glass, as Jay looked up at miss Seo. She seemed terrified by this sight.
Sensing he was in the right direction, Jay poured the glass, letting his blood fall on the ground.
"You have no power over us anymore" said Jay, firmly.

Miss Seo fell on the ground and melted like snow on a sunny day. Jungwon and Jay closed their eyes, repulsed by this sight.
After a few minutes they opened them up again and looked at each other.

"Jay, I remember" cried Jungwon.
Jay came closer and hugged him.
"Now it's really over, we defeated her for good this time" he said, crying as well.

At the same time, five men remembered who they really were.
Sunghoon instantly grabbed his phone and furiously dialed Jake's number.
Niki and Sunoo booked the next flight to Jeju Island.

Jay felt his phone vibrating. Jeongkook was calling him.

"Hi Jeongkook" said Jay.
"It's Heeseung actually" said the now familiar voice. "Where are you?"

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