The Weeping Willow

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Jungwon ate breakfast as fast as he could. He didn't want to stay in the kitchen, or any other room other than his for too long.
So far, Jeongkook's plan had worked. He had told his mother that he needed to prepare a presentation with Jungwon and they needed to go to the library, but Jungwon wasn't allowed to go out. Jeongkook's other had called Jungwon's mother to tell her about it and she accepted letting him go.
Jungwon finished his meal, did his dishes and went to his bedroom, his shelter.
He had two hours of free time before going out, so he decided to write down everything he could about the dream and his thoughts about it.
We might have overlooked something, it's better to write it down and add new information as we go.

Time flew by for the young man absorbed by his work. When he remembered to check the time, he only had ten minutes left to prepare himself.
He had thought about his outfit and wanted to look handsome for Jay, but he really didn't want his mother to suspect anything, so he simply put on dark jeans, a t-shirt and a huge orange hoodie.
A normal outfit for someone going to study at the library.

He also put his school supplies in his backpack, just in case. He grabbed his bag and got out of the room. He heard the doorbell as he stepped into the staircase. His mother opened the door and Jeongkook greeted her.
"Hi Jeongkook!" said Jungwon, who was in the hall now.
"Did you take everything we need?" asked his friend.
"Yep" confirmed Jungwon, shaking his backpack.
"Let's go then" replied Jeongkook.
"Bye, mom" said Jungwon, waving at her.


The boys entered the bus and felt relieved. The plan had worked! Jeongkook sent a text to Jay, letting him know that they were in the bus.
"So what are you doing today?" asked Jungwon, worried that his friend might be forced to be alone because of him.
"I'm seeing my childhood friend! He's in Seoul for the weekend and contacted me" he said, excited.
"How nice! What's his name?" asked Jungwon, relieved.
"It's Lee Heeseung, I've told you about him, remember?" replied Jeongkook.
"Isn't he the musician?" said Jungwon.
"He's a songwriter for a big entertainment company for now, but he'd like to sing too" corrected Jeongkook.
"Come on, I was pretty close" replied Jungwon, laughing.

The bus finally arrived at the park where Jungwon was going to meet Jay. Jeongkook wished him good luck and stayed in the bus, as he was going to the mall.
Jungwon got out and looked around. He wasn't seeing Jay. Worried, he checked his pockets before realizing that he didn't have a phone anymore and that his mp3 wouldn't help him much.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Jay. He was wearing a bob which almost hid his eyes.
Jungwon didn't wait any longer and jumped into the designer's arms. He felt Jay passing his arms around his waist and lift him up a little bit, so he laughed, finally happy.

"How did I survive two days without you?" said Jay, enjoying Jungwon's presence. He stepped back to look at Jungwon's face.
"It was only one day and a half" replied Jungwon, teasing Jay.
Jay grabbed Jungwon's waist and  lifted him up again, from behind this time.

Jay took Jungwon's hand and guided him towards a tree. It was a weeping willow, whose branches hung so low they touched the ground.
Still holding Jungwon's hand, Jay opened the branches like a curtain, revealing a blanket, a basket and flower.
"Did you prepare this for me?" Said Jungwon, blushing rapidly.
"Do you like it?" Replied Jay, without answering Jungwon's question.
The latter nodded, squeezing Jay's hand.

They sat down and enjoyed the delicious meal Jay had prepared for them.
"Are those dishes from Cooking on Sunshine?" Asked Jungwon, recognizing some of them.
"Most of them are, but I always play a little with the recipes, so they won't taste like his" explained Jay.
"I'll have to try them all to make sure" replied Jungwon, suddenly more fascinated by Jay's smile than his cooking skills. 

They ate while talking about casual things. They both knew they would talk about the dream, but they didn't want to do it now.
Jungwon talked about how excited he was to finish school, and Jay mentioned that he would love it if Jungwon accepted to model for him once again.
"It depends" said Jungwon, with a playful expression.
"On what?" Asked Jay, ready to play for it.
"Will I get to talk with the designer after the photo shoot? I'd really like to meet him?" Answered Jungwon, locking eyes with Jay.
"Oh! I can arrange that easily" replied Jay.

He reached for Jungwon's hand and they intertwined their fingers.
"You know, I've been thinking a lot" began Jungwon, with a serious face. "I think miss Seo did something to my mother."
Jay looked at him, and nodded, encouraging Jungwon to continue his thought.
"I don't know how to explain it. She's not the same as before, and I think she changed after miss Seo came in my house. Breaking my phone was something extremely violent and I can't picture her doing it. And as soon as she broke it, I think I saw regret in her eyes, but not in her face. As if she wanted to feel regretful but couldn't. I don't know if it makes sense..." said Jungwon.
"I think you might be onto something there. We don't know what she's capable of, but if we accept that she made you sick, closed the restaurant, spied on me, then-" replied Jay, soon interrupted by Jungwon.
"She spied on you? When?" asked Jungwon.
"I couldn't tell you about it because you didn't have a phone anymore, sorry. On Thursday night, I received a picture of us. Someone took it as we were walking back to my car, before I drove you to the dojang. And after that they send me this" said Jay, showing Jungwon the text message.

"Did they mean hurting me?" Asked Jungwon, with a crack in his voice.

"They sure did" said a vibrant voice behind them.

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