Date night

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Jungwon woke up extra happy this morning.
He usually liked Fridays, but this one was special.
I have a date!!

He jumped out of his bed and got ready for school.
Jeongkook immediately noticed his friend's good mood and was too curious not to ask.
"What's with you today?" He said giving Jungwon a side smile.
"I might have cool plans tonight that's all" said Jungwon, in the calm voice he knew would make his friend even more curious.
"Are you going out?" he replied excited. "With whom are you going out?"
Jungwon looked at him with a mysterious expression and just raised his eyebrows.

Jeongkook spent the whole morning unsuccessfully trying to guess who Jungwon would meet this evening.
After school, they ate lunch and headed to the dojang. Jeongkook was silent and Jungwon was just enjoying teasing his friend with his secret.

They were close to their dojang now. Jungwon looked at his friend, who's face showed intense concentration.
"I'll tell you who it is" said Jungwon.
Jeongkook just stared at him, waiting for the answer.
"It's Park Jong-Seong" he whispered, passing in front of his friend and entering the dojang, leaving a shocked Jeongkook outside.

Jungwon was already changing clothes when Jeongkook entered the locker room.
"Are you really going out with Korea's number one designer tonight" he said loudly.
"I am" replied Jungwon in a lower voice.
"Wow" answered Jeongkook as he started changing as well.

Miss Seo didn't look happy.
"I'm really not satisfied with you Jungwon. I've spent the morning watching yesterday's training video and you really didn't give everything you got" she said, with an angry tone.
"I'm sorry. Yesterday I was out of focus. But I'll train even harder today" replied Jungwon, firmly.
Jeongkook looked at Jungwon. He didn't understand why he was being scolded. His friend was the best athlete he knew, and yesterday he didn't do anything bad.
"I think I'll have to keep you a little bit more tonight to compensate. Especially with the weekend coming, you won't be training for two days" she said, sharply.
"Miss Seo, I have plans tonight, I can't.." started Jungwon.
"I won't have you being disrespectful to me. Remember I'm your superior and your coach. You will do as I say" she shouted.

Jungwon looked down and apologized.


As he expected, she had no mercy on him during the afternoon. Jungwon was exhausted. He had trained with Jeongkook and alone after the latter was dismissed.
He nonetheless had managed sending a text to Jay, letting him know he would be late because of his training.

He left the dojang at 18:47. The next bus was in one minute exactly, but Jungwon's legs didn't obey when he decided to run for it. He was about to take his phone to let Jay know that he missed the bus when he heard a car door opening behind him.

He turned around and saw someone he wasn't expecting to meet so soon.

"Are you trying to miss your diner with me?" asked Jay trying to stay serious

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"Are you trying to miss your diner with me?" asked Jay trying to stay serious.
Embarrassed, Jungwon started apologizing, but Jay instantly smiled.
"I'm joking, I'm joking! I thought I'd come pick you up here, since you had to train a bit more" he said gently.
Jungwon smiled back at him.
"Thank you, you shouldn't have!" he said.
Jay raised his eyebrows and sighed. He got out of the car and guided Jungwon to the passenger's door, which he opened for him.
He got back to his own seat and turned on the playlist he had been listening since Jungwon entered his life.
"Is the music okay?" he asked, suddenly very conscious that this playlist was a window to his feelings.
"Yes, I like it" said Jungwon, still thinking about how Jay had a opened the door for him.
"Would you like to wash up before going out?" asked Jay as he started the engine.
"Would it bother you to wait for me a little bit more?" replied Jungwon.
"Not at all" said Jay.

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