The Dream

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Jay stayed silent. A lot of thoughts rushed through his mind.
It's miss Seo?

"Won, I'm going to need more" said Jay, sitting up in his bed.
"I started dreaming about this mysterious woman pouring the glass when I slept at your house right?" started Jungwon.

Jay thought back and remembered telling Jungwon he often made that dream as well. He hadn't thought about it anymore since then, until now.

"Right" said Jay, encouraging Jungwon to continue explaining.
"Well, she was here earlier and she was drinking tea. She let the cup fall, and I had a weird feeling. Later I went to sleep and I dreamed about the woman, but this time I recognized it was miss Seo" said Jungwon, out of breath.
"Are you sure it's not just because of what happened this afternoon?" asked Jay, just to make sure.
"No. It felt like I found a missing piece from a puzzle. I'm sure it's her" replied Jungwon confidently.
"I see. So what do we do now?" wondered Jay.
"I'll have to think about it. Let's see what happens at the training tomorrow" replied Jungwon.
"If there's anything, you call me okay?" said Jay.
"Of course. Sorry to have called this late" answered Jungwon.
"Don't mention it. Good night Won" said Jay soflty.
"Good night Jay" Jungwon paused. "I miss you" he whispered.

Jay was going to answer, but Jungwon had hung up.
Did he hung up because he felt shy about his "I miss you"?
Jay chuckled and turned in his bed. His body wanted to sleep, but his brain was on.

What's up with this miss Seo? Let's make a list.
First encounter: I was walking towards Jungwon. She blocked my way, introduced herself in the most dull way possible and when she left me, Jungwon was gone.
Then, she spent her week being mean to Jungwon.
And today she was horrible. She looked like she would attack us, and I'm almost sure I saw her flinch when I passed my arm around Jungwon's shoulders.
During the evening, she went to Jungwon's and made a convincing scene. Jungwon told me he saw her smiling at him in the end. As if she had won a game.
Now, Jungwon tells me she's the woman in our dream.
Maybe we should try to figure out this dream.

Jay continued thinking about all this and fell asleep way too late. His alarm woke him from the well known weird dream.

He kept his eyes closed, as ehe tried to keep the dream in his mind. He passed it in his head again and again like a video. When he was sure he wouldn't forget it, he opened his eyes and drew what he dreamt about.

He finished his sketch and looked at it

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He finished his sketch and looked at it.
He took a picture of it and sent it to Jungwon, with a text explaining he dreamed about this.

I'm freaking out. You drew my dream. How's it possible?
Do you know the other people?
P. S. You draw well :)" replied Jungwon right away.

"You dreamed that too?
I know you're in the middle, and I'm the second from the right. I think the second from the left is Kim Seon-Woo" texted Jay.

"I have to go to school, talk later okay? Have a good morning :)" wrote Jungwon.

Jay looked at his watch.
I better hurry, I'm late.

The designer skipped breakfast to arrive at his office in time. He tried working on the promotion of his collection but couldn't focus. After hesitating a lot about it, he decided to call an old friend who worked for a huge tv channel.

He hung up, satisfied. He had the information he needed.

He dialed the new number on his phone and waited.
"Hello?" said a gentle voice.
"Hi, I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm Park Jong-Seong" started Jay.
"The designer? Hi! I mean, good morning" said the voice, more excited now.
"You know me? Well I'm surprised" Jay chuckled. "Anyway, I wanted to meet you, if you're not too busy."
"Sure, I just need to check my schedule" said the voice. "Can I ask what this is about?"

Jay panicked. He didn't want to say the real reason on the phone.
"I can't tell you now, but it's important" explained Jay.
"Okay, I decide to trust you, Park Jong-Seong. I'm free tomorrow at lunch, would it be okay for you? We can eat together" replied the voice.
"That's perfect. I'll send you the address of the restaurant later today" said Jay.
"Be careful, I'm pretty picky" said the voice laughing.

They said goodbye and hung up. Jay kept his phone and immediately texted Jungwon.
"Tomorrow can we eat lunch together?"
"Do you think we'll have time? I have training after" replied Jungwon.
"Don't worry, I'll make it work" texted Jay.


The rest of the day felt extra long to Jay. He finally focused on his work, but a small portion of his mind kept thinking about the dream.
He only wanted to day to end, so that tomorrow could come.
During the evening, Jungwon and him video called. They shared their day, laughed together and wondered about the dream once again. Jungwon told Jay that miss Seo had been nicer to him today. As if once she got what she wanted, she changed her behavior. 

"So what she wants it for us not to be together?" asked Jay, remembering how she came in his way during the shooting.
"I guess... But what does it change for her? I mean us being together doesn't concern her in any way" said Jungwon, thinking out loud.
"I think we'll get more information tomorrow at lunch" said Jay.
"What kind of lunch did you prepare?" asked Jungwon, intrigued.
"It's a surprise!" he replied.

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