Cursed - Book 5

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Heeseung stared at his father in disbelief. His brain couldn't seem to process whatever the king had just said.

"What do you mean... loosing?" he asked.

Next to him, Jake and Sunoo nodded. They also needed more details.

In fact, the seven princes needed more details. Their parents, the kings and queens of Hyube, had gathered them early in the morning to discuss a important matter. The boys had been woken and dressed up in a hurry before rushing to the thrones chamber. It was an enormous room. On each side of it, marble columns supported the high ceiling. At the end, seven luxurious thrones awaited their rulers. Each throne was different, in either design, color or materials. They were place in a circle segment so that the audience could equally be seen by all.

They thought they had already seen their parents with every expression on the book through the years, however that turned out to be wrong. Never had anyone seen them with such gloomy and consternated.
Jungwon had instantly tilted his head, trying to make eye contact with his grandmother. Queen Yang was the oldest queen of the Council. After the passing of her daughter a decade ago, she had taken her crown back, waiting for her grandson to be old enough to take this burden from her.
However she did not look at him. Her whole upper body was turned towards king Lee.

Heeseung father sighed.

"We are loosing" he repeated.


Officially announcing the fifth and last book of Connected!!

You do know how the story ends, yes, but...

Want to know how the curse started?
Why miss Seo did those horrible things to them?

Well, time had come, you can find the book on my bio! ✨

Connected - Jaywon Where stories live. Discover now