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Jungwon still couldn't believe the situation he was in now.

"Are you okay?" asked Jay, who had been silent for the past minutes too.
"I don't really know. I couldn't stay there, but technically I was very disrespectful to my coach" he whispered.
"I see. Well, I know we live in a society where hierarchy is very important, but you shouldn't be bullied. Especially not when you're doing your best to achieve your goals. I won't admit it" said Jay, staying calm.
"How are you so calm? I wished I had your strength" said Jungwon, looking at the young man driving.
"It's quite simple" said Jay, laughing. "If I don't keep my calm, I'm going back there to tell her exactly where she can go."

Jungwon didn't know if he should laugh or be concerned by this statement, so he decided to change subjects.
"Thank you for coming. I hope you weren't too busy" he said.
"Not at all, I was watching a live show of Cooking on Sunshine" replied Jay.
"The tteokbokki special?" cheered Jungwon.
"Exactly!" answered Jay.

He started telling Jungwon what happened in the show, when the latter remembered something. He took his phone expecting the worst. He was right to do so, as ten missed phone calls were waiting for him.
"Sorry to interrupt you Jay, but I have to call my mother now or she'll go crazy" said Jungwon.

Jay nodded and saw the boy next to him dial nervously.

"Hey mom"


"You don't know how she-"

"I don't want to be treated like that-"

"I'm with Jay now"

"When will I be home?"

Jungwon looked at Jay.

"I'm not coming home now."

Jay changed lanes, as he wasn't taking Jungwon to his home anymore.

"Just let me have what's left of my Sunday, okay?"


Jay stayed silent. He didn't know if Jungwon wanted to talk about this phone call or not.
"Wanna stop for ice cream on our way home?" he asked with a smile.
"Yes please" whispered Jungwon, trying to contain his emotions.


Jay entered the apartment with a cup of pistachio ice cream in one hand and Jungwon's hand in the other.
They sat on the couch and started eating their ice cream.
"Do you want to try mine?" asked Jungwon, with a spoon already prepared for Jay.
Jay looked at him, prepared a spoon of his own ice cream and they tried each other's dessert.
"I prefer mine" they said at the same time.

"Do you want to talk about what happened with your mom?" asked Jay.
"She only heard miss Seo's version, which isn't good for me, so she's upset" replied Jungwon, looking sad.
"But she didn't let you explain your side!" said Jay.
"She didn't" answered Jungwon.

He opened his mouth again, but changed his mind and closed it.

"Is there something more you want to tell me?" asked Jay.
"I don't know if I should tell you... " whispered Jungwon, looking at his ice cream.

Jay took Jungwon's hand in his.

"You don't have to if you don't want to" said Jay, softly.

Jungwon looked at Jay shocked.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked.
"You're the first person that just lets me be myself. Even if you're curious or think I should say it aloud, you don't want me to feel forced" explained Jungwon.

"Jungwon, listen to me. You're your own person. With your own thoughts. You should never be forced to do anything. The same goes for not saying what's on your mind because you fear the consequences" said Jay.
"That's easy for you to say Jay. You're independent, you have your brand and you can do as you want" replied Jungwon.
"That's true. But even if I wasn't all that, it wouldn't stop me for expressing myself" continued Jay.

"Miss Seo called my mother after we left. She told her that you're a bad influence on me. That I was out of focus since the shooting" revealed Jungwon.

Jay stayed silent for a while. His ice cream was liquid now. He drank it and put the little cup on the table.
"And how do you feel about that?" he asked, fearing the answer.
"I think you're the most positive thing that has happened to me in a while" said Jungwon, speaking with his heart. "But there's a huge chance that my mother won't allow me to go out with you anymore."
"I had guessed that" replied Jay, with a low voice.

Jungwon jumped closer to Jay. The latter looked at him, curious. Jungwon leaned and kissed Jay on the cheek.
"It won't stop me from seeing you, though" he whispered in his ear.

Jay took advantage of their closeness and wrapped his arms around Jungwon. He rested his head on the boy's shoulder, enjoying how peaceful this position was.


Jungwon wanted to stay longer at Jay's, but he knew that each minute he spent there would cost him a lot. Jay drove him home and hugged him in the car before leaving.
Jungwon was dreading going home. He didn't know what to expect, and he certainly couldn't have guessed what was waiting for him inside.

He opened the door and went to the kitchen, but his mother wasn't waiting for him alone. Miss Seo was there, peacefully drinking a cup of tea.
Jungwon froze.

"Come and sit" asked his mother. "Miss Seo came here to express her concerns about you."
Jungwon remained silent. He had to carefully choose his next words.
"First, you are distracted during training, then you don't want to go train when miss Seo takes from her free time to help you, and finally you run away with that boy" she said, extremely serious.
"I am not distracted during training" replied Jungwon.
"I think I know better than you Jungwon. I am the one training you" said miss Seo, with a sweet voice. "I just want you to do well on the competition. It could be a beautiful opportunity for your future. Why don't you let me help you?"

Jungwon was shocked by her behavior. Where were the angry tone, the harsh words and the constant need to oppress him? She had come here and acted very concerned and worried so that his mother would buy it without thinking.

She took her cup of tea and involuntarily dropped it.
Why am I having a déjà vu now?

Before he could think more about it, his mother slapped her hand on the table.
"I'm sorry Jungwon, but I can't let you waste your chance for a boy you met not two weeks ago. You're grounded. School and training, that's all for you until the competition."

Jungwon wanted to scream. He wanted to explode. However, he didn't want miss Seo see that she had won. He stayed silent and miss Seo finally excused herself. Jungwon and his mother walked her to the door and as they said goodbye, Jungwon was sure he saw her viciously smile.


Jungwon was in his room.
This weekend had started so well. How come I'm in this situation now? I can't believe she came rat me to my mother. How dared she act so gentle and considerate in front of her, when she's horrible to me during the trainings.

He checked his phone and a message was waiting for him.

"I'm here if you need me ❤️"

He instantly called Jay and told him everything that had happened.

Jungwon didn't eat supper that evening. He was too upset. He laid in bed and eventually fell asleep, waking up three hours later, covered in sweat.
He looked for his phone, which was charging.

"Jungwon?" said a sleepy voice. "Why are you calling so late?"
"Jay, I know who the woman in my dream is" he said, suddenly one hundred percent awake.
"Who is it?" Asked Jay.

"It's miss Seo" he replied.

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