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"I'm with Jungwon, we're in a park. I think we defeated her once and for all this time" said Jay. "Are you still with Jeongkook?"
"Yes" replied Heeseung. "Should we meet at home tonight to talk about it all?"
"Sure" answered Jay. "See you there."

Jay hung up and saw that Jungwon was sitting on the blanket.
"Wonie, let me take you back at my place, I'll take care of you, you're injured" said Jay.
Jungwon just nodded without talking, which meant that he really was hurt.
Jay packed everything and helped Jungwon walk to his car.


As the door was opened, Sunghoon entered the classroom. There were no students, but the physics professor was working anyway.
"Sir, I didn't get the answer of exercise 3" he said out loud, smiling at his own joke.
Jake recognized the voice and looked up.
"Is it you?" He said, even though he knew the answer.
Sunghoon walked to Jake's desk and sat on it, facing the professor.
"I called you, but you didn't pick up" he said.
"I'm sorry.. I had to work today, but I was going to call you this evening" replied Jake.
"Really? I thought that after last time, maybe you wouldn't want to see me again" said Sunghoon, softly.
Jake got up and cupped Sunghoon's cheeks with his hands.
"What is done is done. I think we were given a second chance, and I intend on making the most out of it" he said, before kissing Sunghoon passionately.

"So do we agree?" Said Sunghoon after their embrace.
"Yes, let's go find Heeseung" said Jake. "We have a lot to talk about."


Heeseung opened the front door of the old mansion. He and the boys had lived there for as long as he remembered. He walked in and remembered every time they had come back here. Each time a different member was missing, which meant they still hadn't succeeded in defeating their enemy.
Their curse was the most cruel one. They would be forced into living their lives separated and could only be all reunited if they defeated the witch. If they failed, they would start anew. They had almost succeeded many times, but it was never enough. They had spent centuries trying to win from her.

He went up to the library and took off the fabric protecting the furnitures. He sat on the sofa and waited for the others.

Someone opened the front door, waking Heeseung up. He stood up and walked towards the hall, wondering who it was. He looked from upstairs, next to the staircase.
His heart skipped a beat. It was Jake and Sunghoon.
Oh boy, why the two of them at the same time?
He nonetheless ran down the stairs and hugged them warmly, happy to be reunited.

They walked together in silence and sat on the couch next to the sofa.
"I think we should talk" started Jake. "First I want to say that what's in the past is in the past."
"Do you think it's over this time?" Asked Heeseung. "That we really broke the curse?"
"I think it is" said Sunghoon. "I know that last time, you and I fooled around Hee, but I had told you I loved Jake."

Heeseung felt his heart getting heavier. Truth was that he loved both of them. However, they were together first. Then, once, when Jake was missing, he and Sunghoon became close. He didn't want to hide it from Jake, neither did he want to hurt Sunghoon, he just wanted shared love.

"I know you love him" said Heeseung, looking down. "I'm sorry if I hurt you Jake."

"I think you're not on the same page as us Hee" replied Jake. He squatted and looked into Heeseung's eyes. "I also love both of you" he said with an adorable smile.
Sunghoon nodded.

"So do you mean we could? The three of ?" Started Hee, stopping because of a noise coming from the hall.

The all looked at the door and got up to check the noise.

Jay was carrying Jungwon in his arms. He passed the door and kissed the young man's lips.
"It's almost official now" he whispered at Jungwon.
"I need a diamond ring, then it's official" replied Jungwon, laughing.

Heeseung, Jake and Sunghoon arrived in the hall, cheering at the newcomers.

"Do you guys have news from Sunoo and Niki?" Asked Jake.
"I've just heard from Sunoo, but I think they're both fine" replied Jungwon.


Niki was about to call a taxi when he saw someone trying to get one too in front of him. He hadn't seen this person's face yet, but he knew who it was.

He came closer and put his hand on their shoulder.

Sunoo turned himself and discovered that Niki was there. They instantly hugged.
"Why did you grow taller since last time!" Asked Sunoo, as tears fell down his cheeks.
"I don't know, love" replied Niki, before kissing his boyfriend.
"I've missed you so much" said Sunoo.
"You didn't remember who I was until two hours ago" replied Niki, patting Sunoo's head.
"You're still mean huh?" Said Sunoo.


Niki and Sunoo traveled back to their mansion together. They were excited to meet their family again.
"Who do you think Sunghoon will be this time?" asked Niki.
"We haven't had a Heeseung and Jake story in decades, maybe they'll be the ones together this time" replied Sunoo, ready to bet on it.

They opened the door and greeted their friends warmly.
The seven men spent the following days celebrating the end of the curse. They had their memories from all their lives back but most importantly, they were all together.
Jay and Jungwon told them how they had defeated the witch, and they were all impressed.

They were very proud of the couple. Their love had saved all of them, forever.
No more curses, no more witches, no more having to live a new life over and over again. Now, they could be just them, seven uncursed vampires.


Jungwon was laying in bed, next to Jay. Even though he was trying to catch his breath again, he broke the silence.
"I can't believe we did it" he said. "We're finally free from her!"

Jay turned around, placing his head on Jungwon's bare chest.
"Me neither. It's funny how it happened though" replied Jay.

Jungwon caressed Jay's back, enjoying the warmth of his skin under his fingers.

"I knew we were going to figure it out eventually" he said, kissing Jay's head.

Jay closed his eyes and smiled.
"It feels so good to be forever connected with you Wonie"

The End

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