Jeongkook MVP

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Jungwon woke up tired.

Yesterday night had been the worst in his life.
First of all, his mother hadn't respected his privacy by entering the room without his consent.
Then she screamed at him when she saw he was video calling Jay.
Finally, she took Jungwon's phone and pitilessly threw it on the floor, breaking it.

After this act of violence, Jungwon was confused. When she entered the room, she was furious, but when she threw the phone, he saw instant regret in her eyes.
He didn't understand why she had acted so rashly. They had fought before, but it was the first time he saw violence in her. It wasn't like her at all. It didn't even make Jungwon angry, he was just shocked.

Jungwon spent the evening crying of frustration. He felt lost, lonely and desperate, and the only person who could comfort him was out of reach. He looked for his old mp3 and found it hiding in one of his drawers. He couldn't talk to Jay, nor escape this place, but at least now he could listen to music. He laid on bed, trying not to focus on his growing headache. Eventually he fell asleep, still wearing his clothes and the headphones.

His mother had knocked on his door for him to wake up, as she had destroyed his alarm clock as well.
He got up, put on his school uniform and directly left home. He couldn't even imagine staying in the kitchen with his mother right now.
He had his earphones on, so he didn't hear her crying in the kitchen.


"Jungwon, I know you don't want to tell me everything, but I'm really starting to worry about you. Every day you seem a bit more sad. Do you want to talk to me about it?" asked Jeongkook, who couldn't handle seeing his friend like that anymore.
Jungwon looked at him. They had been friends for over a decade. He could trust him.
But not with everything.

"You remember when I had a date with Jay?" He asked.
"Jay? Do you mean Park Jong-Seong? Wow you guys must have become close for you to use a nickname for him" teased Jeongkook, elbowing a blushing Jungwon.
"Ah yes I guess you got me there" he replied. "Anyway, we had an awesome date and I really really like him."

Jeongkookraised his eyebrows, amazed by the news. Jungwon had a lot of people interested in him, but he had never showed any sign of reciprocity.

"And we've been talking a lot since then, growing closer every day. But for some reason miss Seo decided to make my life a living hell-" he started
"Yeah! What was up with her? She kept humiliating you for no reason, saying you didn't work hard enough even though you're the best out of both of us" said Jeongkook, frowning.
"Can you believe she made me come to the dojang on Sunday?" asked Jungwon.
"What!" shouted Jeongkook.
"And after two hours of horrible training she gave me a break, and I called Ja-, Jong-Seong. He told me she couldn't treat me like that and that he was going to pick me up" explained Jungwon.
"I like him" said Jeongkook, nodding.
"I confronted her, and he helped me, but when I came back home, she was there, talking to my mother" continued Jungwon.
"No way..." whispered Jeongkook, slowly understanding what his friend had been through.
"To make it short, I'm not allowed to see him anymore, cause she convinced my mother it's for my good. And yesterday, we were video calling and my mother caught me, so she broke my phone" finished Jungwon.
"What? That doesn't sound like her. She's the most peaceful person I know" replied Jeongkook, confused.
"I know, I don't understand either" whispered Jungwon, even though he had a little theory about it.


The morning classes were annoying. Jungwon just wanted to run away and meet Jay.
I need to tell him what happened. He must be worried. I wonder if he'll agree with me regarding my mother.

During the morning break, Jeongkooksat next to Jungwon.
"Jungwon, I hate that you're in such a horrible situation. I want to help you, so I've been thinking during math class. If I invited you on Saturday to "study at the library" do you think your mother would agree? I could tell my mother about it too, to make it believable" suggested Jeongkook.
"More believable for what, I don't get it" said Jungwon, frowning.
"Well I come to your house, we fake going to the library to study and you go meet Jong-Seong!" replied Jeongkook, as if it had been obvious from the start.
"Oh.. maybe it could work!" Said Jungwon.

He stopped and looked at his friend, who smiled at him.

"Thank you Jeongkook, I'm really lucky to have you as a friend" he said, grateful.
"Don't mention it, I don't want you to be sad like that anymore. Just fake not being able to see him and I'll arrange Saturday for you okay?" replied Jeongkook.

Jungwon nodded.


They got out of the school, walking to the bus stop to go to the dojang, but someone was waiting for them at the school's gate.

"Park Jong-Seong?" whispered Jeongkook , as they approached him.
"Hey Won, hi Jeongkook!" said Jay smiling.

Jungwon didn't believe it. He walked to the person he loved and hugged him.

Jay felt how overwhelmed Jungwon was. He hugged him back and put his left hand on Jungwon's neck.
"I'm here now" Jay whispered in Jungwon's ear, spreading a wave of warmth through the young man's body.
Jungwon stay silent but hugged Jay tighter. He felt so protected in his arms.

Jay stopped the hug and invited the two athletes in his car

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Jay stopped the hug and invited the two athletes in his car.
"Let's eat and then I'll take you guys to the dojang" he suggested.
They accepted and got in.

Jay drove to a nearby park and found somewhere discreet for them.
They started eating and Jay spoke first.
"Yesterday, when I heard your mother screaming through the phone, I thought I'd come by your to check on you, but when I got close to it, I saw her silhouette behind the window. It was as if she was waiting for me. I immediately went away, I don't think she saw me" he explained.
"Do you think she recognized your car?" Asked Jungwon, worried.
"No, I thought about it and took a taxi instead" replied Jay.
Jeongkook nodded, impressed by Jay's strategy.
"I'm sorry I left you alone yesterday Won" apologized Jay.
"Don't worry" replied Jungwon, squeezing Jay's hand.
They were almost done eating when Jeongkook told Jay about his plan for Saturday.
"That's really thoughtful of you, thanks" said Jay, grateful. "I think it can work! If it doesn't, let me know, I'll give you my contact."


Jay drove them to the dojang, feeling sad not being able to contact Jungwon anymore.
It's already Thursday, you only have one day and a half to go, you can do it.

He returned to his office and worked hard all afternoon, trying to focus on something else than Jungwon's soft hair he had caressed earlier.


Jay was cooking his evening meal when his phone vibrated.

new text message from unknown number•

Jay opened it and it was a picture.

Jay opened it and it was a picture

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Wait, that was today. That's when we walked to my car from the park. Who took it?

He had received a new text in the meantime.

"Be careful with what you do. I could hurt someone you like if you continue."

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