Perfect Storm - Book 4

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"Come on Wonie, we can't be late today" said Sunoo, a pinch of stress in his voice.
"I know, I can't find my cap" replied Jungwon, who sounded stressed as well.

Jungwon and Sunoo had woken up early this morning. They wanted to get ready without having to rush, but evidently that couldn't happen.
Sunoo sighted. Jungwon always forgot where he put his belongings. Hopefully, they didn't own much.

"Have you looked under your bed?" asked Sunoo, lacing his shoes.
"Wait" said Jungwon, kneeling.

There it is.

"Found it!" rejoiced Jungwon.
"Good, now let's go" said Sunoo, pressing his twin.

The two young men headed out of the orphanage and ran down the street without having eaten anything. They couldn't be late for their first day of apprenticeship.

They soon arrived in front of the distinguished tailor workshop. The showcase had been painted to let everyone passing the main street that this was Mister Lee's tailoring workshop.

"Ready?" asked Jungwon, smiling at his twin.
"Ready" replied Sunoo, taking a deep breath.


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If you want to read the rest, you can check my bio to find the Book 4 of Connected, Perfect Storm!

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