Like a piece of cake

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Jungwon heard the familiar message sound of his phone. He took it out of his bag and read the text he had just received.

Wait is it really Jay? He answered so fast!!
The young man smiled, but only for ten seconds.

I can't go out tonight, It's my grandmother's birthday...

"Hi Jay! I'm so happy you accepted my invitation! Unfortunately, tonight I can't make it, but tomorrow or the day after I'm free :)

He hit send and looked at the window. Two dimples appeared on his face as he imagined Jay and him eating out together.
Jungwon soon got out of the bus and ran to the dojang. He arrived and changed clothes just in time not to be late.
Jeongkook was already waiting for him.

"Where have you been?" he asked, looking at miss Seo's door.
"I had to deliver something in the city" explained Jungwon, unable to hide his smile.
"Did you even eat?"added his friend, concerned.

Jungwon decided not to answer that last question. Miss Seo was coming anyway, so he didn't even need an excuse.

She stared at Jungwon in a mean way and began their training.

The afternoon had been the most exhausting since they started training for the competition. Not only did Jungwon have an exam at school in the morning, but he also skipped lunch to deliver his letter.

The worst is not having the possibility to check my phone until the end of the training. I wonder if Jay answered me. He thought, even though a little voice in his head kept repeating that he certainly did.

As soon as miss Seo dismissed them, Jungwon ran to his locker to check his phone. He saw notifications but didn't open them just yet, he wanted to be alone for that.

The bus ride had never been so long for Jungwon. When his friend finally got out of the bus, he took his phone and opened Jay's conversation.

"Don't worry about it."
"I'm free tomorrow night as well."
"Where would you like to go?"

Jungwon smiled widely. He imagined the designer answering so fast that he had to send three messages instead of one.
There was yet another problem to solve...

Where should I take him?

He thought about it for five minutes, listing all the restaurants he liked. He wanted to bring the designer to somewhere special. Then, out of nowhere, the answer came to him. He grabbed his phone and started typing.

"Hi! Sorry to answer this late, I was training.
So it's settled for tomorrow:)
How do you feel about curry? I know a restaurant that makes the best curry in Seoul!"

He sent the message and shoved his phone in his pocket, as it was time to get out of the bus.


The grandmother was truly happy. Not only was it her birthday, but her daughter and grandson were in her home to celebrate it with her.
She wanted to cook for them, but her daughter insisted on ordering food. She also had brought a vanilla cake, an old time family favorite.

When Jungwon's mother went to the bathroom, she took advantage of the moment and got closer to her grandson.
"So how are you doing at school?" she asked.
"I'm doing well I think. I might be focusing a bit more on taekwondo these days though. You know I have a competition at the end of the month" replied Jungwon.
"I do, I do" she confirmed .

She stopped to look at him and her expression changed.

"You seem different. What is going on with you?" she asked straightforward.

Jungwon was expecting that kind of question from her. They were very close and she always noticed everything about him.

"Well, I met someone" Jungwon started to explain, blushing.
"And who's this lucky person?" she interrupted, so excited that she clapped her hands.
"His name's Park Jong-Seong. He's a designer" answered Jungwon, taking his phone to show her a picture.
"Oh I know him, he was on tv last week. How did you meet such a famous man?" she asked.

Jungwon's mother came back in the living room before he could answer her. They both stopped talking about the designer, and changed subjects as nothing had happened. However, Jungwon's grandmother kept smiling at him until the end of the evening.


Back in his house, Jungwon didn't go upstairs straight away. His mother noticed and asked if he was okay.

"There's something I want to share with you" he started, nervous.
She sat on the the kitchen chair and gave him a sign to join her.

"I think I have a date tomorrow" he said quickly, as if he was taking a bandaid off. 
"That's wonderful! Is it someone I know?" She asked.
"Well..." Jungwon's mount was dry. "It's Park Jong-Seong."
"The designer? Isn't he older than you?" she said.
"Wait, aren't you going to react on the fact that I'm going out with a man?" replied Jungwon, confused.
"Why would I?" she asked. "I don't believe that love has anything to do with gender. I just want you to be with someone who shares your love and treats you well. Were you afraid of telling me?"

Jungwon kept silence. He never imagined this conversation going this way. It was so much easier than what he expected. He felt tears filling his eyes and nodded at his mother.
She got up and hugged him.

"You still haven't replied, isn't he older than you?" she asked with a laugh that broke the serious mood.
"He's only two years older, I think it's okay" replied Jungwon, smiling too.

They hugged a bit more and Jungwon got up the stairs, washed up and went to bed. With the birthday and the conversation with his mother, he hadn't had a chance to check his phone.

As he hoped, he had received a message from Jay.

"I love curry!
What time should we meet? Can I come pick you up at your house?"

Jungwon instantly typed his answer.

"Is 19h okay for you?
We can meet at my house :)
Good night!"


Jay was laying in bed, wondering why Jungwon was taking so long to reply, when he received a notification.

He felt something weird in his stomach as he read the text and replied right away.

"Can't wait!
Good night :))"

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