No Lazy Sunday

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Jungwon closed his front door and leaned on it. Jay had just kissed him and he had felt two distinct things. First, his heart had stopped for five seconds straight, and second, when Jay's lips touched his skin, he saw the weird woman pouring the glass of blood again.
Like in my dream.

Confused the young boy started walking, he needed a glass of water. He entered the kitchen, discovering two people waiting for him. He smiled and took a glass.
I should have known they'd be here.

"So? How was your date?" asked his grandmother, with a juvenile smile of her face. Jungwon's mother was also very curious.
"Have you two waited here all day to question me on my date?" he replied, amused.

The two women looked at each other and giggled like kids.

"You don't have to share with us if you don't want to, of course" said his mother, even though she'd be disappointed if he chose not to tell them.

Jungwon sat down, and the two women instinctively leant closer to him.

"Well, I had to stay at the dojang a bit longer yesterday, so I told Jay I'd be late. When I got out, he was there waiting for me in his car" started Jungwon.

His grandmother clapped her hands and whispered something only she heard. Jungwon told them about their evening: the closed restaurant, the flat tire, the walk home and their meal. He skipped over the "I decide to start sleeping on his lap" incident and jumped to what they had done during the day. Every time he mentioned something sweet Jay had done for him, his enthusiastic grandmother clapped her hands.

"So he brought you back here just now?" asked his mother.
"Yes" replied Jungwon, suddenly remembering their goodbye kiss. His hand automatically touched his cheek, as if he wanted to make sure it really had happened. His mother noticed it and silently asked him about it, but he just looked at his glass of water instead.

"I'm going to my room now if it's okay for you" said Jungwon.
"Go ahead" replied his mother.

He went up the stairs and straight to his bedroom. He closed his door and just stood there. He tried remembering the last time he felt so complete, but couldn't think of any.

It's like I'm meant to be with him. He's older than me, more famous than me, I shouldn't feel so at ease with him, but I am. To think that I laid on his lap, that I slept on his bed, and that we spent the day as if we had known each other forever is crazy. This is so weird. I've grown closer to him in a week-end than I am with Jeongkook, and I've known him since kindergarten.
Wow, am I really thinking such cheesy things?

Jungwon laughed at himself. He never thought someone would make him feel like that. He touched his cheek again and suddenly remembered the weird women.

Why do I keep thinking about her. Who is she?

Jungwon shook his head and took off Jay's hoodie. He had worn it all day, but somehow it still smelled like the designer. Jungwon didn't hesitate one second and buried his head in it, enjoying the addictive scent.

He proceeded to cautiously fold it and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He spent the rest of the evening doing his homework, punctually interrupted by text messages from his not-so-secret-anymore admirer.


Jungwon finally laid on his bed. His eyes were tired from the hours he spent studying. He took his phone and found once again a message from Jay. He answered and thought for a bit.

"Good night Jay :)" he sent.
"Good night Won 😚" Jay replied.

Jungwon froze. He closed his eyes and opened them again. He checked and realized he wasn't wrong, Jay really had sent a kissing emoji to him.
Won don't be stupid, he kissed you earlier today... But still... It's something isn't it?
He soon dozed off and fell asleep thinking about Jay.

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