Thank You Note

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Jay opened the door of his car and sighed as he got in.

"I'm so sorry, he's asleep right now."

Those words had hurt him. He was angry at himself because he should be happy to know that Jungwon was resting, but he wanted to talk to him so much that he felt disappointed not being able to.
He turned his head and looked at Jungwon's house. He wondered if one of the windows he was seeing was from the boy's room.
Maybe next time I'll get a chance to visit it.

He started the engine and drove away. Some of his favorite songs were playing, but he didn't even hear them. He was thinking about this mysterious athlete. Jay had spent the entire week trying to learn more about Jungwon. He had seen interviews, articles and even videos of him during taekwondo competitions.
However, he felt that this was still too superficial. He wanted to get to know Jungwon for real, hear his voice for real, stand next to him for real.

Why am I so obsessed with this boy?
It's weird because I've heard about him last week only and now I feel empty without him. I can't even remember what occupied my mind before him.
Sometimes, when I meet someone I know I won't get along with them. This miss Seo for example. I don't know why -and I don't want to know why- but I just dislike her. With Jungwon it's the opposite. This has never happened before. I don't even know him, but I feel he should be in my life.
Close to me.


Jay didn't get much sleep that night. He couldn't stop thinking about how bold he had been yesterday evening, going to Jungwon's house. He was worried that Jungwon would be scared of him. After all they didn't even know each other, but he tried to visit him in his house uninvited.

Jay skipped breakfast to go to his office early. He wanted to check yesterday's pictures calmly.
He grabbed a coffee on his way but still arrived first. Satisfied he turned on his computer and looked for yesterday's pictures. His team didn't have time to edit them yet, but it didn't matter.
I just want to see him wearing my clothes again.

He scrolled through Jeongkook's ones and finally found what he woke up for. Yesterday, he only saw him from afar, as he didn't want to interrupt the photographers, but now he was alone with this handsome boy on his screen.
Jungwon is so beautiful and mesmerizing that he doesn't even need to be edited.

Jay liked all the pictures, but one in particular fascinated him.

His expression

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His expression. His shoulders. His hands. His lips.

"Sir Park! Good morning! You came in earlier than usual!" said a voice.

It took Jay a few seconds to realize someone was talking to him. In fact his assistant was standing in front of his desk smiling.

"Good morning. Yes, I was curious about yesterday's photo shoot. I couldn't wait" he replied, saddened by the fact that his alone time admiring Jungwon was over.
"Yes, the boys did well. I think this promotion will meet great success" she continued, cheerful.

He nodded and gave her things to do during the morning. He started working as well, not noticing that she kept staring at him.

Jay was motivated to work. He was trying to figure out if he could ask Jungwon to come and model for the second shooting too.

Would it be too obvious if I did? Maybe if I said he did a great job and that I was impressed by him? Maybe I'll wait for the marketing director's opinion. If he validated Jungwon's job, it'd be easier to invite him back.

Time flew until noon, and Jay had to go out to buy his lunch. He grabbed his jacket and his wallet, then left the building. He crossed the street and quickly disappeared in Seoul's crowd, missing a young man entering his office just two minutes later.


Jungwon walked towards the receptionist. She smiled at him and asked what she could do for him.

"Could you please deliver this note to Sir Park Jong-Seong please?" he asked, trying not to blush.

She raised an eyebrow and before she said anything else, Jungwon added "I was a model for yesterday's photo shoot and this is a thank you note".
She nodded and took the letter.

Jungwon turned around and left the building. He wanted to go back and ask if he could meet the designer, visit his office and talk with him all afternoon, but he needed to come back to the dojang now. He was almost late. He didn't get time to eat his lunch, but delivering his note was more important right now. He couldn't even believe what he had written and his stomach was really upset.

This is my one chance.


Jay came back to his office with a bag full of fried chicken from his favorite restaurant. As he passed by the front desk, the receptionist called him.

"A young man left this for you fifteen minutes ago Sir. He said he was a model yesterday" she said.

Surprised, Jay thanked her and took the letter. He contained his smiled until his office and as soon as he closed his door, he bursted into tiny happiness jumps.

Wait, what if it is the other athlete?

Stopping his jumps, he put his food on his desk and cautiously opened the envelope.

"Hello Jay,

I'm sorry I wasn't able to receive you properly yesterday evening. I wanted to thank you for your concern, I'm feeling better today.
I'm very grateful for your gift as well. I don't know how you guessed it, but it was my favorite outfit from the shooting.
I hope it doesn't sound too abrupt, but would it be possible to invite you to diner to thank you the right way?
It is okay if you don't want to, I know you must be very busy.

I wish you a nice afternoon,


Jay read the note twice. He turned the paper and found out that Jungwon had written his phone number on the back.

He's so cute. Why does he keep apologizing and being unsure in his letter? Of course I want to go to diner with him.

The designer had the biggest smile on his face and didn't wait a seconde to grab his phone and text Jungwon.

"Hi, I got your letter. I would love going out with you! Are you free tonight?


A few kilometers away, Jungwon's phone rang in his bag. He took it and smiled uncontrollably at his screen.

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