A simple black turtleneck

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The room was crowded. Between the photographers, the staff, the make up artists, the hairdressers, Jungwon felt a bit lost.
Everyone had been nice to him since he got there in the morning, but he still couldn't feel at ease.

Jeongkook on the other hand seemed very comfortable there. He kept smiling and looking around, excited to be a model today.

Park Jong-Seong's clothes had an urban vibe. They were both comfortable and badass. The entire collection had a black base, then some outfits were a bit more hip hop, some were more rock inspired.
Jungwon liked his first outfit very much. It was a simple black turtleneck with cool black Jeans.

The staff was done preparing him and he would start shooting in a minute, but he saw a big mirror and couldn't resist taking a quick selca.

The photo shoot started for Jungwon, and surprisingly, he felt at ease

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The photo shoot started for Jungwon, and surprisingly, he felt at ease. Maybe watching Jeongkook before him had given him confidence, or maybe he had a secret talent to look handsome no matter the outfit.

Even though he tried his best concentrating on the camera, something felt weird. He felt chills on his neck several times, and he didn't know why. It must be the excitement. He thought, not even convincing himself. 

He had to change clothes a lot and each time he felt Miss Seo watching him. She hadn't a « please do well for our dojang's image » look, she had a furious, concerned and annoyed look.

I don't understand why she keeps looking at me like that. Since she got the phone call last week, she has been much more strict, and overall mean to me. But I've trained even harder and I'm sure I'll do well on the competition. Spending one day here won't affect that.

Jeongkook was in the make up room, and he got up as soon as he saw Jungwon arriving.

"How cool is today?" he said, excited.
"It's awesome" said Jungwon. "Do you think we'll get to meet Park Jong-Seon?" he continued, covering his mouth as soon as he said the designer's name.
Thankfully Jeongkook was looking at his phone and didn't notice how Jungwon had blushed and how embarrassed he was.
"I don't know, Won" he replied. He looked up at his friend and continued "have you noticed how miss Seo stares at you? It makes me so awkward."

Jungwon stayed silent.
So it's not just an impression of mine. If even Jeongkook has noticed, it means it's definitely happening.

"Boys, could you please come with me" asked a staff.
"Of course" they replied together.

The day had passed so fast that Jungwon was sad it was over. Not only did he experienced something unique, but he had learnt a lot from the staff, the photographers and his hairdressers. Now that the photo shoot was finished, the staff had prepared a big table full of snacks and beverages, so that everyone could enjoy a cheerful moment together.

The two athletes were shy at first. During the day, they had a working context, so it was easy to interact with the staff, but now the atmosphere was quite different. It was a lot more casual and the young boys weren't used to that, but they soon started to speak more freely with everyone.
Miss Seo continued spying on Jungwon, but the latter decided to ignore that.

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