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Jay woke up early, thanks to the sunlight in the living room. He growled, wondering why he was on his couch. Then he started remembering last night and got up. He discreetly opened his bedroom door to check on Jungwon.
He was asleep on his side, one hand below Jay's pillow. Jay didn't hide his smile. Seeing the young man sleeping in his bed was comforting. It was as if this had always been this bed's purpose.

Jay closed the door and headed towards the kitchen. As it was still early, he figured he'd use his alone time wisely. He attached his hair and started baking.


Jungwon woke up to a delicious smell. He turned on his back, looking at the ceiling, which wasn't Jay's living room's ceiling. Jungwon frowned and stood up. He was in Jay's bedroom.
Did he just carry me here?
Jungwon scratched his eyes and looked around. The bedroom was well decorated. Jungwon could tell that it had a modern touch and subtle details, but it was still too early for him to pay more attention to that.
He went out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, following a wonderful chocolate scent.

"Good morning Wonie" said Jay, smiling at him.
" 'Morning" replied Jungwon, internally screaming because of his new nickname.
"Did you sleep well? As you were exhausted yesterday, I thought I'd let you sleep in my bed" explained Jay.
"I slept well, but I remember having a weird dream... Wait, did you sleep on the couch because of me?" replied Jungwon.
"Don't worry about it, my couch is comfortable" said Jay. "I dreamt about that chef Kim Seon-Woo, we were.."
Jungwon wasn't listening to Jay anymore. As he heard the chef's name, he remembered his dream.
"I'm sorry to interrupt you, but if I don't say it aloud I might forget my dream once again" said Jungwon, serious.
Jay stopped talking, he was intrigued. He nodded to encourage Jungwon to speak.
"Kim Seon-Woo had cut his hand and poured his blood into a glass. Then the three of us and four more men were standing in front of a weird woman. And she poured Kim Seon-Woo's glass of blood, but I don't know where" explained Jungwon.
Jay stayed silent for a moment, thinking about what he should say next.
"I don't want to scare you, Won, but I've already had the same dream as you" said Jay, calmly.
"You mean yesterday?" asked Jungwon.
"No, but it's something I dream about regularly. However, I didn't know you and Kim Seon-Woo were part of the men standing with me" he continued.
"That's weird right?" said Jungwon, worried.

Jay got closer to him and after hesitating for ten seconds, he hugged Jungwon.
"It's just a weird coincidence, don't worry Wonie" he whispered.
Jungwon hugged back and enjoyed their embrace. He felt Jay's chin on top of his head and smiled.

"Would you like some breakfast? I made chocolate cupcakes for you" said Jay.
"I love cupcakes!" said Jungwon clapping his hands.

They sat down and started eating the cupcakes, which were delicious.
"Your mother has called this morning, wanting to know how you were doing" informed Jay.
"Did you two talk over the phone?" asked Jungwon.
"As a matter of fact, we did. I explained that you were exhausted from yesterday and that you slept in my bed. I had to mention I didn't sleep next to you, she seemed worried" he said laughing.
"I'll call her later then" said Jungwon. "Did you plan anything special today?"
"I didn't know how our evening would end, but since you're here I wanted to spend the day with you" replied Jay.
Jungwon nodeed, happy.
"So what should we do?" he asked.

They both wanted to stay at home and be lazy all day, so they did just that.
Jay gave Jungwon sweatpants and a hoodie, so that he'd be more comfortable than wearing his jeans.
They spend the morning watching a movie. Jungwon wanted to watch a horror movie, and even though Jay hated those, he accepted. He did fine the first fifteen minutes, but he spent the remaining hugging Jungwon, who didn't complain about it. Won asked him if he wanted to change movies, but Jay refused.
"It gives me a good excuse to hug you, I guess" he whispered.
Jungwon heard and smiled internally.

At noon, they ordered curry and as soon as it was delivered, Jungwon cheered by screaming "CURRYYYYYY".
During the afternoon they played a bit of video games, but Jay noticed that Jungwon wasn't at ease, so he suggested they switched to board games. He had the right idea because Jungwon enjoyed them more.
Finally, they decided on doing a home made karaoke. They made a playlist together and sang to hairbrushes until they were laughing too much to continue.
They ate diner together as well and the mood started shifting when they noticed that Jungwon had to go back home soon.


At least, Jay's car had been repaired and brought back to his house. The two men got out of his apartment and headed to the parking lot.

Jay drove quietly to Jungwon's house. He didn't want to let Jungwon go. He quickly glanced at the young man next to him. Jungwon was looking at the buildings, humming an unknown song.
They soon arrived in Jungwon's neighborhood. Jay wished there had been more traffic jam, but unfortunately their trip had been short.
He parked in front of the boy's house and turned off the engine.
"I'll walk you to the door" he said.
Jungwon nodded. He didn't want to leave the car. Yesterday evening and today had been the best in a while for him. He felt so comfortable with Jay.
The latter opened the passenger's door for him to get out of the car.
They walked side by side to the door.

"Thank you for everything Jay" said Jungwon. "You came pick me up and took care of me."
"It was my pleasure" replied Jay. "Thank you for diner yesterday."
They looked at each other and hugged. Jungwon turned his head on Jay's chest and quickly heard his heart beating.
Jay ended their hug, but took Jungwon's hands in his.
"We'll see each other soon right?" he asked.
"Of course" replied Jungwon, showing his two adorable dimples.

Jay got closer to Jungwon again and kissed his cheek.
"Good night Wonie" he said as he turned away and walked to his car. His lips were on fire after having kissed Jungwon.
He started the engine and drove away, imagining their kiss over and over again.

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