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The following day, Jungwon got out of his school at noon. He had a bit more than one hour before the training. He quickly saw Jay waiting for him, leaning on his car. Jungwon smiled and ran to him, his backpack dancing on his shoulders.

They got in the car and Jay drove to a nearby sushi place. They entered the restaurant and Jungwon immediately recognized someone sitting by the window.
"Jay" he whispered. "Look, it's Kim Seon-Woo" he continued, almost choking.
"I know" said Jay, laughing.

They walked to the famous chef and Jay introduced them.
"It's an honor to meet you! I watch all your shows!" said Jungwon, who didn't know how he hadn't fainted yet.
"Please! It's an honor for me to meet you both. Jong-Seong hadn't told me you would come as well, I've followed you during the last competition" replied Seon-Woo.
"Please call me Jay" said the designer.

Jungwon blushed so much he put his hands in front of his face.

Jay sat in front of Seon-Woo and Jungwon sat next to the designer. They started talking about the last tteokbokki episode and their food came quite fast. They began eating, continuing their conversation.

After a few minutes, Seon-Woo looked at Jay.

"I am really curious about the reason you wanted to meet me, Jay" said Seon-Woo.

The atmosphere suddenly felt more serious. Jungwon was very curious as well. He turned his body to see Jay better.

"I've been having the same dream regularly, for a long time now. About two weeks ago, I met Jungwon and he told be about a nightmare he had, which is the same one as mine" Jay started.

He didn't really know how to explain the situation without sounding crazy. Seon-Woo looked at him with a strange expression on his face.

"In my dream, I see myself with six other people, and you both are part of those six people" explained Jay. However, before he could say anything else, Seon-Woo interrupted him.

"And we stand in front of a strange lady. She's holding a glass of blood" said Seon-Woo.

"And she pours it" finished Jungwon.

The three men stayed silent, looking at each other, trying to wrap their brains around what was happening. After a few moments, Jay took a piece of paper from his pocket. He unfold it and showed them the sketch he had drawn.

Seon-Woo gasped.

"It's impossible. How could you have drawn this. It comes from my head. I don't understand" said Seon-Woo, confused.

Jungwon was speechless as well, but something else was worrying him. He looked at his phone, he only had 23 minutes left.
"Jay, I'm sorry but I have to go" he said.

Jay looked at his watch, Jungwon was right.

"Seon-Woo, we unfortunately have to go, Jungwon's training begins soon" informed Jay.

"I can take the bus, it's okay" said Jungwon as fast as he could. "I don't want you to end your meal early because of me."
"Don't worry, I think Jay and I already finished eating too" said the chef, looking at Jay's plate. "Can I go with you? I really want to talk more about our shared dream."

Jay was surprised, but obviously accepted. He treated them diner and they got out.

"Do you know anyone else from the four other people with us in the dream?" asked Seon-Woo when they were in the car.
"Humm, I don't know about the men, but I know who's the woman pouring the glass. It's my Taekwondo coach" answered Jungwon.
"Wait, your coach? And you're going to train with her now? Aren't you scared?" said Seon-Woo, shocked by this information.
"It's not like she's going to hurt me" laughed Jungwon.

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