Chapter One: Ace

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I toyed with the dagger in my hand, twirling it round my fingers, glaring at the men sitting across from me to discourage any ideas about escaping. Not that they could at this point. I had made sure of that earlier. Hints, the broken bones, bloody noses and wounded pride. They all sat staring at the ground, their cuffed hands in their laps. The three men to the left of me were my partners. They were quiet, probably tired from the fight. Or maybe they were nervous. One of them, Ryan, was new. The new ones were always nervous. Not that I could blame them, I mean, we did work for one of the most dangerous men in Gotham.

Biff, spoke up, making conversation, "I heard the Joker got a new doll."

"What happened to the red head?" The other man asked.

"I think that was sort of a one time thing." Biff shrugged, "Anyway, this one's the psychologists from Arkham. Fell in love and went crazy."

"That's how all women are." The other man chuckled,

I cleared my throat and glared at him.

"Have you met her?" He looked at me,

"This is the first I've heard of her." I shook my head,

"I thought you and the Joker were close." The Ryan raised an eyebrow,

I frowned, "I get the job done. He trusts me. But we don't exactly make friendship bracelets."

They snickered at that.

The truck bumped along, seeming to slow down. I couldn't tell, since there were no windows in the back. I stuffed my dagger back in my boot. I wouldn't need it. The truck came to a stop. A few seconds later the doors opened. Wild music drifted from the building we were parked behind. I jumped out, along with the men I was talking to. We left our captives in the truck, slamming the doors closed.

We entered the club through a backdoor, the music enveloping us. The "Smile and Grin" was the Joker's place. I scowled as we pushed through a group of people dancing. Clubs weren't really my thing. I headed towards the joker's usual spot for doing business. A booth in the back. Ryan nudged me, pointing towards a giant glass cage in the center of the room. I raised an eyebrow. Damn. The woman inside was gorgeous. Her skin was practically white, which was unusual, but lovely all the same. Her hair was platinum blonde as well, cascading down her bare shoulders. The ends were dyed on either side, half red, half blue. Silver gems covered her chest and upper legs, but that was all she wore. She danced on a gold chain, her movements mesmerizing. I almost felt bad for her. I knew how Joker was. He would use her until he got bored. And then he'd throw her away after ruining her life. I looked away.

When the Joker saw me approaching, he grinned wickedly, and laughed his weird, croaking laugh, "Look who it is!" He stood up and held out his arms to invite me into his booth, "Don't tell me you finished the job already."

"They're in the truck out back." I smiled,

He clapped and looked at the guard next to him, "I told you, she always delivers."

He instructed his men to go and get the truck, leaving him alone with me and Ryan.

"Sit down, sit down! You want a drink?" He asked,

"Thanks." I said, as a man with a tray handed me a glass.

"Anything for my Ace!" He said,

Ryan started to sit down, but the Joker shook his head at him. I gave Ryan an apology look. He shrugged. We all know the joker is very... particular. Ryan wouldn't dare offend him though. The Joker wouldn't hesitate to kill him. I, on the other hand, was in the joker's inner circle. He had taken a liking to me years ago when I first started doing jobs for him. 

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