Chapter Twelve: Acid and Anything

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The explosion turned out to just be Flag blowing a hole through the wall. We all stepped through, into a stairwell. Nothing was there to attack us for once. It was just empty and grey. I looked up. Lot of stairs. I couldn't even see the floor below or ceiling above.

"I gotta work on my cardio." I heard Harley say ahead of me.

She stopped and stared over the edge of the stairs. Everyone else walked ahead of her. I slowed down as I passed her. Something about her looked off. I peered over the edge. Nothing unusual.

"Harley?" I asked suspiciously,

She didn't respond. She just kept staring. Like she was in a trance. I tapped her on the shoulder. She gasped and pulled a gun on me. I held up my hands in surrender.

"Just me." I said,

She looked... sad, "You ever been in love?"

I looked into her eyes, knowing the answer, "Yes."

"Is it supposed to feel like this?" Her voice trembled,

I frowned, "Like what?"

She shook her head, "Nevermind."

She started up the stairs again, but I grabbed her hand, "Harley like what? What's wrong?"

She studied me for a minute then said, "I keep getting these flashes."

I took a step towards her, placing my hands on her shoulders so she wouldn't walk away again.

"I think they're memories. Before a few days ago I didn't even remember my name."

"Harley Quinn?" I asked,

"No. My real name." She said, "Harleen Quinzel. Puddin gave me a new name."

"What did you remember?" I asked slowly,

She met my eyes, "When I became Harley Quinn. We were in a warehouse. We were standing in the rafters and all I knew was that I wanted him. I wanted him so bad I would have done anything."

I knew this was going somewhere bad, "What did you do?"

"I jumped. Ten feet into a vat of acid. My skin wasn't always like this." She gestured to her pale skin.

"Why?" I breathed,

"He asked me to." She smiled sadly, "And I would do it again. He's got me. He's got me wrapped around his finger."

My heart broke, "Is this what you want?"

She shook her head, "I don't know."

Without thinking, I just spoke, "Harley, don't go with him."

She looked shocked, "What?"

"Don't go with him." I said, "We can just do this mission instead."

"Are you being serious?" Harley laughed nervously,

"Harley, he made you jump in acid!" I said wildly, "And we both know he's done worse to you. Think about how you even ended up here! That night when he crashed the car into the river, he left you to drown! You're lucky Batman saved you!"

She got defensive, "How would you know you weren't even there!"

"Yes I was!" I admitted,


"I saw it on the news! I knew Joker would leave you like he always does. I was going to come save you. I just got there too late." Finally I was being honest.

"You're wrong." She shoved me away, "Puddin loves me!"

"No he doesn't!" I shouted back, "Harley he's no good for you!"

"Don't you talk about my puddin like that! Don't you dare!" She was still holding her gun, which made me nervous. 

"Harley he didn't even make plans to come save you!"

She teared up, "You're lying."

"No I'm not." I stepped towards her to comfort her, "I came here on my own."

A tear rolled down her cheek. She sniffed and wiped it away. I reached for her, but she smacked my hand and backed away.

"You're such a liar." She said through her tears. With that she ran up the stairs.

"Harley!" I chased after her.

Captain Boomerang stopped me as I passed him, "Let her go mate."

The other men were all staring at me. I nodded and walked with them instead. Harley walked alone. 

Author's Note: I have a love/hate relationship with this chapter. 

You Ever Been In Love? ~Harley Quinn x Female Reader~Where stories live. Discover now