Chapter 23: Closure

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 Now that I had told Harley I was done, there was one thing left to do. Tell the Joker himself. The day after I kissed Harley, I waltzed right into the Smile and Grin. Joker was in his booth, like the day I met Harley. I joined him, sitting down.

"Glad you're back Ace!" Joker said, "I've got some new jobs for ya if you're ready to get back into it."

"Actually, I'm not taking any more jobs." I said, taking a drink.

The Joker's smile disappeared, "What? You need a break?"

"No." said firmly, "I'm not taking any more jobs. Ever. I'm through."

He held out his hands, "But Ace we've got such a good thing goin here!"

I smirked, "I know. Thanks for the opportunity to kill all your enemies. But I'm done."

He stood up, slamming his drink on the ground, "Why? After all I've done for you."

"It's not you." I said, "It's Harley. I can't watch you hurt her anymore. She doesn't know she deserves better, but she does."

"You think you can just walk out of here?" Joker sneered,

I gulped down my drink, "Yeah. I do."

I stood up, tugging on the collar of my suit. I had decided to dress a little fancy just for dramatic effect. Hints my wine red suit. Joker smiled a sinister smile, and signaled his men to come after me. They surrounded me on all sides. I smiled, anticipating a fight. I reached for my gun. One of the men lunged, grabbing me before I could pull it out. I elbowed him in the face until he let go and fell backwards. I threw my drink at another man, and then stabbed another. I kicked another. Soon, they were all incapacitated.

Joker stood, clapping.

I wasn't taking any of his theatrics today. I kicked him backwards into his seat.

"I'm leaving." I said, "Don't come after me."

With that, I stormed out of the bar.

"Ungrateful bitch." I heard Joker shout behind me.

I elected to ignore that comment, shoving open the door. Any second now more men would be hunting me. I'd better get a headstart. I jumped on my motorcycle and hit the gas. I could hear shouts behind me. They were already on the way. My phone beeped and I opened it. Yeah yeah, I know, don't text while driving. But eh, I think that's a minor crime compared to the rest. I almost dropped my phone when the news popped up on screen. There was a secret channel in Gotham for the baddest criminals. If you need something done, send out a message on that channel, and someone is sure to want a job. I stared at that channel now, reading the message in horror.

$1,000,000 for Y/N Dead or Alive - Joker

Well FUCK 

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