Chapter Four: Everything goes bang

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"Did you really think it was going to be that easy?" Waller laughed,

"I mean... Yeah." I smirked,

"You'd what? Just walk in and walk out?"

"I made it this far didn't I?"

"Because I let you." Waller snapped, "We've been watching you since the moment you entered this place. Nice bike by the way. It's mine now."

I snarled and pulled out my gun. She messed with the wrong motorcycle lover. She glanced at her goons, and they pulled their guns on me.

"Fine." I said, "You won. How'd you do it?"

"You took out one of the security rooms." Amanda said, "There are seven."

I took a mental note of that number.

Amanda crossed her arms, "Oh y/n you should know by now. I'll always be seven steps ahead of you."

"You were watching me the whole time?" I asked,

"I just said that." Amanda raised an eyebrow.

"Were you watching me when I did this?" I held up a detonator. Yeah I forgot to mention that earlier. Stuck bombs all over. Thought it'd be more dramatic this way ya know?

Her smug look melted away. I pushed the button. Everything after that happened in slow motion. Waller's guards all began shooting at me. I tackled Harley to the ground, protecting both of us from the rain of bullets. The explosions went off. The building shook. I shot all six of the guards. Fire and smoke filled the hallway. I couldn't see anything. All I could hear was the ringing in my ears. The smoke cleared enough for me to see Harley unconscious in front of me. I scooped her up into my arms, and stood up. Waller was still alive. I stalked towards her, shooting her in the chest. I walked past her, out the door as she fell to the ground.

The smoke billowed out of the building. I collapsed in a coughing fit. This was no place to stop. More guards would be on their way any minute. Harley was still unconscious. My motorcycle was probably gone. I got up, still carrying Harley, and ran. I looked behind me. It didn't look like there was much damage to the building. Just the wing I had emerged from. I ran until I found the garage. I set Harley down carefully. I smashed the window of a sleek black car and unlocked it from the inside. Of course, the keys weren't in it. To top it off, this car was too advanced to hotwire. Fun fact, if a car is newer than the mid 90's, you won't be able to hotwire it. Don't believe the spy movies.

I looked around desperately. I really should have thought this through. There was a gunshot, and I ducked. There was a dent the size of a bullet on the car, right next to where my head had just been. I spun around. Three more guards ran towards me. I ducked behind another car. I shot one of them from my hiding place. On the other side of the car, five more guards were headed towards Harley, who was still unconscious. I snarled. I jumped onto the hood of the car, shooting the two men coming at me. Then, I turned to the other five. I lept onto the hood of the car I was about to steal, and shot one of the guards. They aimed at me. I jumped again, onto one of the men. I wrapped my legs around him, like Harley had done to me. I swung around, pulling him to the ground. The other men shot wildly, missing me, luckily. I rolled onto the concrete, kicking another man's legs out from under him. I shot the last two men, and stood up.

I huffed and opened the passenger car door, and gently set Harley in the seat. Was she going to be ok? I pushed a loose strand of hair out of her face. Her face was covered in ash. I imagine mine was too. I shook myself out of it. More guards were coming.

"Shit." I muttered as another bullet barely missed me.

I ran over to my side of the car and hopped in. I pulled out of the garage, running over a guy in the process. I drove straight into a gate, busting it open. I checked the rearview mirror. Nothing yet. After a moment of driving, I noticed Harley was awake. She was looking at me.

"Thanks." She said quietly, "For getting me out."

"Just doing my job." I lied,

It hurt to lie to Harley. I wanted to just tell her I came here because I cared about her. We had been through so much together these last few months. But she was so crazy in love with the Joker and I couldn't make myself break her heart with the truth.

"Ok." She said,

"Harley the thing is," I started. My thoughts were interrupted as a dark spot appeared on the horizon. The silhouette of a person.

"What the-" I squinted,

Standing in the middle of the road was Waller. I don't know how she survived, but there she was holding a fucking bazooka. Her face was stern as always. She fired. I swerved, but it was too late. The impact sent the car flying. We flipped, once, twice, three times and then landed on the side of the road. My head slammed into the steering wheel. We were totally upside down. My vision was blurry, but I could see feet coming towards the vehicle. I unclipped my seat belt and twisted around. I gasped in pain. Yep. Something was definitely broken. I glanced over at Harley. She was unconscious. Or dead.

I climbed out of the car, my gun raised shakily towards Amanda. A bulletproof vest. That's how she survived. She lifted her own gun without hesitation and fired. I fell back against the car in shock. I didn't make a sound. I pressed my hand to my side. Blood soaked through my shirt and onto my hand. Amanda's face didn't change. She continued to point the gun at me. It wasn't necessary. I was already down. I probably had a concussion, and now I was bleeding like crazy. I sank to my knees.

I looked up at Waller defeatedly, "Nice shot."

Next thing I know, black.   

Author's Note: Ugh I am so excited to post the next chapter. You're going to get a bit of Ace's backstory! As usual, I'll update on Wednesday. Thanks for reading! 

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