Chapter Fourteen: In Flames

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I couldn't process what I was seeing. Harley's plane was going down. Burning as it fell, then the explosion. Harley, Joker, both of them were gone. No one could survive that. Not even them. I choked, and fell back from the edge of the rooftop. Ash had been falling from the sky ever since we made it onto the roof, but now it made me nauseous. They were ash now.

I looked at Waller, and my eyes narrowed. She ordered this. I stood up, clenching my fists so tight my nails dug into my skin. Harley's bat was next to me. I picked it up as I stood. I was going to kill Waller. I walked towards her. The soldiers pointed their guns at me, but didn't fire yet.

Deadshot jumped in front of me, "Y/N-"

I cut him off, shoving him to the side, "Out of my way!"

"Kill her." Waller said,

Flag stopped her, "No!"
I stormed towards her, raising the bat to swing at her.

"Don't do it, mate." Boomerang warned,

I couldn't make myself listen to anything they said. It was all drowned out by the hatred and rage. Hot tears welled up in my eyes as I thought of Harley's last moments. I was about to close the distance between me and Waller, when suddenly the space between us went up in flames. The blast of fire hit me hard, pushing me to the ground. I rolled backwards and stood up. A wall of fire stood between me and Waller. El Diablo was standing on the other side with Waller.

"What are you doing!?!" I screamed,

"Stopping you from doing something you'll regret." He shouted over the flames,

"Let me by." I said angrily,

He shook his head with a sorrowful expression.

"Fuck you!" I screamed,

I took a step towards the flames, considering walking through them. It would hurt, but so what? My lip trembled angrily as I stepped towards the flames. Just as I took a step into the flames, something jabbed my neck. Suddenly, I was so tired. All my strength faded. I fell backwards into someone's arms. I turned my head just enough to see Flag holding a needle. That bastard. And then I was out.


I woke up suddenly, cold metal against my back. I must have been on a table. Four concerned faces stood over me. Waller was not one of them.

"Waller's not here." Dead shot said as if reading my thoughts.

"Harley?" I croaked,

They didn't reply. Their silence told me everything. I covered my face with my arms. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep the tears back. A warm hand touched my shoulder. I peaked out from under my hands. It was Deadshot.

"I'm sorry Ace." He said,

"You loved her didn't you?" El Diablo commented.

I didn't answer. Harley's voice in my head again saying, "You ever been in love?"

"We were just friends." I lied,

Flag rolled his eyes, "y/n the world's about to end. You can admit your gay."

I would have laughed if I hadn't been hurting so bad.

I replied to Flag, "That's the second time you've jabbed me with a needle. Do it again and I'll kill you."

"No you won't." He smiled, and held out a hand.

I took it, and he pulled me into a sitting position, and then off the table. I was a bit shaky, holding onto his arm for support. Deadshot came around to our side, putting his arm around me comfortingly. I leaned into him, for once accepting some kind of comfort. Killer Croc held out Harley's bat to me. I smiled at him, a new surge of emotion washing over me. These people, these freaks, they cared about me. Or at least pretended to. I took the bat gingerly. Written across it in big red letters, "Good night".

Life kept moving. Harley had been my mission, my purpose, and my best friend. And the Joker, even though he was weird, had been my connection to the real world. What now? I was going to have to find someone else to work for. I couldn't even imagine building a new life. Mourning my old one seemed like enough. Maybe being stuck in jail wouldn't be so bad after all. There isn't anything left for me in the outside world.

Author's Note: Even though this story is about you and Harley, I'm loving writing the platonic relationships between you and other characters. We'll get back to Harley in the next chapter though don't worry.   

You Ever Been In Love? ~Harley Quinn x Female Reader~Where stories live. Discover now