Chapter Eighteen: Witches get Stitches

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"He's right. It's not real." I heard Flag say as I came back to myself.

"How long have you been able to see?" The Witch asked,

The six of us emerged from our hiding place, and marched down the stairs towards the witch.

"My whole life." El Diablo said, "You can't have them. These are my people right here."

"But it is our time." The Witch insisted, "The sun is setting and the magic rises. The metahumans are a sign of change.

"Lady," Deadshot shouted, "you are EVIL!"

The Witch addressed her brother, who came into view. He was shaped like a man, but was made of rock and fire, several feet taller than any of us.

"Uh oh." Harley said behind me.

"It's gonna be bad." Flag said,

"We should run!" Deadshot said, too late as the beast's arms extended towards us, shooting out like vines towards us. We ducked just in time. Harley and I dove behind a pillar.

"You ok?" I asked quickly,

"Yeah." She nodded,

We looked back out at the monster, who was headed towards Boomerang. It threw what looked like a piano towards him. Boomerang fell backwards, the monster standing over him. Katana leapt out of her hiding place, slicing the thing's arm off. It roared and took a step back. To my horror, the hand grew back in seconds. It turned on her, but she dodged it.

Suddenly, El Diablo stormed towards the beast, letting a torrent of fire out on the creature. For a moment, it seemed El Diablo might win. But then, he was smacked through the air, slamming through a wall on the other side of the room. That's when I went into action. Harley and Deadshot did too. Deadshot fired at the thing, before getting smacked into a smashed up pillar. It turned and smacked Boomerang and Harley. I dodged it narrowly, and ran at it again with new vigor. It drew back to hit me again. Right when it's arm slammed down, I dropped, sliding under it's legs, slicing it's legs with my daggers. I jumped up behind it, burying my dagger in it's backside. It howled, and I jumped up on it's back, using the dagger as a foothold. I stabbed my second dagger into its shoulder. Still, no use. I pulled out my gun, shooting it in the back of the neck.

It reached up and grabbed me, throwing it over his shoulder, into a pillar across the wall. My back hit the pillar then the floor. It knocked the breath completely out of me, and I struggled to breath.

There was a shout, and then a second monster appeared. I stood up with difficulty, and grabbed my gun. But the second monster wasn't coming at me. It was going at the first. That's when I realized it was Diablo. I smiled. He was doing it. On Rick's instructions, he drove him into the corner. He drove his hand into the thing's chest, making it roar again. And then, things started to go wrong. It grabbed Diablo's shoulder, and forced him to the ground. Diablo began to fade, back into his human form.

"Diablo, get clear!" Flag shouted, "Get outta there!"

"Blow it!" Diablo shouted back.

"Everybody get down!" Flag shouted,

I dropped to the ground, covering my head with my hands. A wave of heat rolled over me, and rubble pounded my back. The witch screamed in another language. I stood hesitantly. There was a giant hole in the center of the room. I crept to the edge of it looking over. It was impossible to see with all the ash and smoke still down there.

"You next." Deadshot addressed the witch.

"My spell is complete.Once you and your armies are gone, my darkness will spread across this world. And it will be mine to rule. She turned then, facing the blue light. Her robes billowed behind her, and a blast of wind pushed us all back.

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