Chapter Six: New Mission

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The door of my cell opened.

I opened my eyes, "Don't tell me I get to be your punching bag again."

"Depends." Waller folded her hands behind her back, "I'm going to give you an opportunity."

"Goody." I said sarcastically,

"You have a very particular skill set." Waller said,

"I'm guessing you're not talking about my cooking skills." I said,

"Killing people." Waller said, "I'm talking about killing people."

"You want to hire me?" I guessed,

"Not exactly." She smirked, "I'm putting together a team. Sort of a circus really, but we're calling it task force x."

"Lame name." I said,
"Sorry we didn't ask for your input when we were looking for a name." She rolled her eyes,

"So... what exactly is this task force?"

"I'm collecting people like you, scum and criminals with powers or skills, to do some dirty work." She explained,

"Cool." I said, "Not interested."

Her face darkened, "If you say no, you will spend the rest of your days in this cell just like you have, getting beaten half to death."

"Won't you do that either way?"

"I'm willing to negotiate." Waller said,

I pursed my lips, "Let me down and we'll talk."

"This mission is very dangerous." Waller said,

"Gee that's convincing." I joked,

"I'm sending Harley Quinn." She folded her arms,

I paused, "And...?"

"Don't you want to protect her?" Waller asked, "The Joker probably wouldn't like it if you let his Queen die."

I chewed on my lip. Neither would I, I thought to myself. Besides, joining this stupid task force might give me the opportunity I needed to escape.

"Fine." I finally said, "I would shake on it but... ya know. I'm in chains."

"Right." She nodded at a camera on the wall behind me.

A bunch of guards entered, with their weapons drawn.

Waller waved her hand at them, "You won't need those. She has a good reason to cooperate. Now, I have better things to do. I just like to pay Miss L/N a little visit from time to time."

"That means she likes to use me as a punching bag." I elaborated, "She really needs a therapist but she got me instead."

Waller sighed, "y/n. I'm about to put an explosive in your neck, so please... practice not making me want to kill you."

"Woah woah woah, why isn't she in the chair?" The doctors said as I entered along with an entourage of guards,

"Unlike the others, she's actually cooperative."

"Well we just had a literal dinosaur in here, so we're a little on edge." One of the doctors said,

One of them pulled out a case. Inside was something that looked like a weird gun. The woman walked up to me bravely.

"This might sting a little." She said as she held it up to my neck.

I pursed my lips as she injected something into my neck. I'm guessing the explosive Waller was talking about. After the beatings from Waller, it really didn't hurt much.

"Injection successful." The male doctor said,

"Move along." One of the guards shoved me along.

Eventually, we joined a line of guards. I heard a roar behind me and turned to look. That must be the dinosaur. He was strapped to what looked like a dolly. I turned around and shook my head. I craned my neck to try to see over the people. I was looking for Harley, but didn't see her. Up ahead was a plane. It looked like that's where we were headed.

"Hey, why aren't you in a chair?" Said someone next to me,

Next to me, a man sat strapped in a chair, pushed by one of the guards. He raised an eyebrow at me. Based on his bright orange jumpsuit, I figured he was one of the freaks Waller chose.

"I didn't fight back." I smirked,

"So... you aren't a threat." He looked me up and down,

I laughed, "We'll see."

"Why are you here anyway? You got some cool superpower or something?" He asked,

"Nope. Just your average Gotham assassin." I replied,

"Oh cool, me too." he said, "I should have introduced myself. Floyd Lawton. Deadshot."

"Right! I've heard of you!" My eyes brightened, "I'm Ace."

"You've heard of me." He smiled, "Huh. I've heard of you too. You killed that senator right? Pretty serious stuff. You were what... 15?"

I faltered. It wasn't exactly a good memory, "Hey have you seen Harley anywhere?"


"The clown?"
"I don't think so."

"You'll know her when you see her." I chuckled,

A guard cut us off, "Enough talking!"

Author's Note: Aaaaaand the story finally begins. I'll update again Wednesday. 

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