Chapter Twenty Two: The Balcony

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 The next night, Harley and I made it back to Gotham. I drove her to Joker's penthouse, and walked her up the stairs. She knocked on the door. It flew open immediately. Joker sighed and ran a hand through his green hair. He pulled Harley against him and kissed her deeply. I watched her melt in his arms. Even after what she had told me about the window incident, she still loved him. I was suddenly reminded of the night Joker had given her that choker. It was all too familiar. My stomach sank as I came to the realization that she would always run back to him. No matter what he did to her, she was like a well trained dog.

"Thank you so much Ace." Joker said, "For bringing back my Harley."

"No problem." I said, "I'll see you soon I guess."

I wanted to leave before Harley and Joker got too... involved. He picked her up and spun her around, then carried her off to the couch. He dropped her there, hovering above her. I quickly closed the door and shuffled back downstairs. A few floors down was my place. Joker had paid for this place for me to live in. Another of his gifts. It was much smaller than his place obviously, but it was still really nice.

I opened the door, and dragged myself to the bathroom. I was still such a mess. I hadn't showered in who knows how long. I turned on the hot water and stepped in, dropping my ripped up clothes on the floor. I stood in the shower without moving for a long time, just letting the water run over my face and down my chest. Eventually, I came back to reality and got cleaned off.

I chose some comfy, clean clothes and started to put them on. I paused as I saw myself in the mirror again. What was I doing? Was I really just going to keep on working for the Joker, even after all he had done to Harley? It was obvious now. I couldn't deny it any longer. I loved Harley, as more than a friend. I knew I couldn't have her, but I couldn't stand to watch Joker abuse her. That was it. I was through.

I started acting without thinking. I grabbed a fresh pair of work clothes. That is, black pants, black shirt, and a black leather jacket. My red one was all ripped up sadly. I grabbed my backpack, stuffing it full of everything I wanted to take with me. I even took my red jacket, despite the fact it was practically unwearable. When my pack was full, I went to the balcony. I dropped it over the edge, letting it fall fifteen or so stories down.

Then, I climbed up on the railing of my balcony. Joker and Harley's place was almost directly above mine, about five stories up. I balanced precariously on the railing, and reached up, grabbing the balcony above me. Like this, I continued to climb silently, until I reached their level. I hauled myself onto their balcony. There was a sliding glass door that led to their living room. I could see Harley through the curtain moving around. She had changed into a white nightgown. I could hear what sounded like Joker yelling at her. I waited until the yelling stopped. Harley got a drink, and headed towards the window. She was coming out here. I waited patiently. She opened the door, looking at the ground. She didn't notice me until she closed the door and turned around.

She gasped and dropped her glass bottle. Expecting this, I lunged forward and caught it before it hit the ground. She took it, and then set it down on the table next to her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked,

"I wanted to tell you before you find out through someone else." I said,

She eyed me, "What?"

"I'm leaving." I said, "I'm not working for Joker anymore."

She looked stunned, "You can't do that! He'll track you down and kill you."
"He can try." I shrugged, "But I can't keep working for him."
"Why not?" She asked,

I pursed my lips. Was I really ready to say this, "Harley... I love you."

She stood in shocked silence, and I continued, "And I don't care that you don't love me back, but I can't keep watching Joker hurt you. It hurts me too. So I'm leaving."

I braced myself for her reaction. She would probably turn away in disgust and go tell Joker herself.

Finally she reacted. She closed the distance between us, and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I'm going to miss you so much."

I hugged her back, "I'm gonna miss you too."

"Please be careful." She whispered in my ear.

I pulled back and nodded at her. I let go of her, and climbed back onto the railing, perching there like a bird. Harley folded her arms around her to keep warm against the night air.

"Goodbye Harley." I said, about to climb back down.

"Wait." She stopped me.

I turned back towards her, still squatting on the metal railing. She came closer, standing right below me. She reached up on her tiptoes, caressing my face with her hand. She pulled my face to her level, kissing me on the lips. Fireworks exploded in my brain. It was even better than it had been in the enchantress's spell. I lifted my hand to her face, cupping it gently so I could kiss back. She bit my lip gently, and tugged at it as she broke the kiss. Damn. I locked eyes with her as she pulled away. She didn't say anything, just stood there breathing. I smiled cheekily and stood up on the railing. To her horror, I let myself fall backwards off the balcony. She gasped and ran to the edge.

I felt like I could fly, but of course that wasn't the plan. Halfway down, I took out a special tool of mine. It was like a grappling hook, but it stuck to the sides of buildings instead of having a hook on it. I shot it upwards, and the rope attached to the underside of a balcony. I was lowered safely by the rope to the ground. I clicked a button on the gun, and the rope detached from the wall.

I looked up. Harley was looking out over the balcony. I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulders, and walked to my motorcycle. Not exactly how I thought this night was gonna go. But let's be honest, this was way better. I hopped on the motorcycle and sped off. Onto the next adventure, my lips still buzzing from that kiss.


Also we're almost at 1,000 readers? Whaaa? Thank you guys. You all have been nothing but supportive. So drink water, eat some food, and don't stay up all night reading sappy fanfics. Love you.

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