Chapter Fifteen: I'm Sorry

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Outside, rain was pouring down. It was amazing how quickly we got soaked. I hugged closer to Deadshot to stay warm. He gave my shoulders a reassuring squeeze. I gave him a quick smile, then looked back at the ground. I distracted myself by kicking a rock as I walked. I tried not to think about anything in particular. For no reason, I bent down and picked up the rock, stuffing it in my coat pocket. Out of nowhere, Deadshot stopped walking. I didn't notice, running into the back of Captain Boomerang. I looked up to see what the hold up was.

It was her.

Sitting primly on top of a car.

But it couldn't be. Was I going crazy? I know sometimes people go crazy when they're experiencing grief. That's a thing right? She stretched her arm above her head theatrically. Amazing how she could completely fall apart, and then put herself back together. This is just a vision. Just a vision. I am not getting my hopes up.

"Hey guys I'm back." She smiled, although it seemed fake, "I missed you all so much."

"We're glad you could make it." Deadshot said calmly,

Harley's face fell, as she dropped the act for a moment. Deadshot walked forward, and helped her off the hood of the car. He set her down gently, and then walked on without saying another word. Boomerang and Killer Croc walked past too. El Diablo looked between me and Harley, smiled knowingly, and then walked on. I noticed I hadn't even moved. I shuffled awkwardly. I wanted to just go and hug her. But what if she was still mad?

Fuck it.

I ran towards her, saying her name. Her breath hitched and she ran to me too. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her off her feet. Her arms were around my neck, her face buried in the crook of it.

"I'm so sorry y/n." She said when she pulled her face away,

"For what?" I said breathlessly,

"Calling ya a liar and running off and all that." She said sadly,

"Oh Harley, I don't care about that, I'm just glad you're here." I said, finally putting her down again, "I'm the one who needs to apologize. I never should have said that stuff about Joker. I shouldn't have tried to control your life like that."

"It doesn't matter now." She hugged me again,

I stroked her hair, and rested my chin on her hair, "God I thought you were gone."

"That easily?" I could hear the smile in her voice, "Nah."

"Hey, let's never fight again." I said suddenly,

She pulled away and looked me in the face, "You ok doll?"

"If you had really-if you really died, I can't stand that the last thing I said to you was in an argument. I hate that." I said earnestly, "So please. Never again."

"Ok." She smiled, but studied me curiously, "You've always been too good to me you know."

"Yeah." I smirked, and handed her her bat, "I know."

"Hey!" Flag shouted, "The world is ending."

I smiled again at Harley and grabbed her hand. Full disclosure, I wasn't trying to replace Joker. I just wanted her to know she wasn't alone. We walked together, behind the others the rest of the way, continuing to talk. At first, Harley was quiet. I could tell she was thinking about Joker.

She finally said, "What am I gonna do now?"

"I had the exact same thought when I thought you died." I admitted, "I don't know what's gonna happen next. But whatever happens, we'll do it together."

I held up our hands, intertwined, just to prove my point.

She looked down suddenly and I wondered if I had done something wrong.

"You ever feel like you're under somebody's spell or somethin?" Harley asked,

"What do you mean?" I questioned,

She shook her head, as if to brush it off. I was about to question her further, but Flag called us over. We had found Waller's plane. It was completely wrecked, and empty. But what was scarier was above. A blue light, coming up out of a ruined building, with debris in the air.

Deadshot explained it better, "So let me guess. We're going to the swirling ring of trash in the sky? You know, cuz why wouldn't we?" Getting frustrated he said, "When does this end Flag?"

Flag avoided the question, "Load up. We're in for a fight."

Harley and I followed Flag, but Deadshot stayed back to poke around in the helicopter. I didn't pay much attention until he rejoined us angrily, throwing a binder at a car next to Flag.

"You tell everybody everything." He said sternly, "Or me and you gonna go right now."

Flag looked at the rest of us, and finally said, "Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station. So Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. A witch. See nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea. And that's how she escaped from Waller. So now you know."

"You can just kill me right now." Deadshot said, "But I'm going to have a drink."

"Hey Deadshot, I need your help." Flag said desperately,

"No sir." Deadshot paused, "You need a miracle."

Deadshot disappeared into the building that read "Golden Tree". Apparently to get a drink. Harley followed, stopping only to give a fake bow. I watched Flag's face as Diablo, Croc and Boomerang deserted him as well. Katana, and even his men left. I don't know why I stayed, standing there in the rain, but I did. He picked up a picture off the ground. I only caught a glimpse of it, but it was enough. It was a picture of him kissing the woman who was apparently the witch.

"Aren't you gonna go with them?" Flag's voice was hoarse.

I stayed silent, not knowing what I was trying to express.

He laughed a humourless laugh, "Go on then."

I finally found the simple words, "I'm staying."

He frowned, "What? Why?"

I pursed my lips, "I guess I want a second chance."

He stared at me for a minute, and I added, "It's because of you partially."

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

"I know you have to act all tough and stuff, but I think you do care deep down. Maybe I'm imagining it. But when you gave me that shot, for my ribs I mean, that was the first time someone had done anything for me in a long time. And then Harley... I don't know. I rethought some stuff when I thought she died."

"Are you saying you wanna fight this thing?" He said hopefully,

"Yeah." I nodded,

He put his hands on his hips and looked down, "It's hopeless."

"Sure is." I smiled,

For a moment, I thought there was going to be some triumphant moment. I thought maybe he'd get up and grab his gun, and we'd go kill the witch or whatever.

He shook his head, "Go get a drink."


"You've got an hour or two before the world ends. Go get a drink."

"Flag-" I started,

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess." He ignored me, turning away and staring at the picture of the witch and him.

My shoulders slumped in defeat. I stood still for a minute. I guess there would be no second chance for me after all.  

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