Chapter Eleven: Weird Right?

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We made it to the building. I looked up. It was so tall that I had to crane my neck to see the dark sky above. The giant white letters said "John F. Ostrander Federal Building". I didn't know what that was. Flag and his men stopped at the entrance. I could tell he was talking to Waller. I couldn't hear their conversation. Deadshot walked past him confidently.

"What do you say we get this over with?" He asked Flag as he passed.

"The hell?" Flag whisper screamed, "Deadshot! Fall back!"

Deadshot ignored him. I shrugged and followed him. Those monsters weren't around anyway. Deadshot opened the glass door, and the panel shattered. I stepped over the glass and into the building. It was empty. Deadshot was right behind me. Flag caught up to us.

"You mind if we tag along?" He asked cheekily.

Captain Boomerang noticed the security cameras. As Flag and the others checked out the building from the screens, Harley quietly took hold of my elbow. I glanced at her, and she put a finger to her lips. She smiled mischievously and pulled me along. I let her pull me into an elevator.

The boys finally noticed us, shouting, "Harley!"

They ran up the stairs after us. Harley waved and then turned away from the window and pulled out her phone. A text from the Joker read, "I am close. Be ready." Harley smiled in satisfaction.

"This is your plan?" I frowned, peering down at the boys.

"Aww are you worried?" She batted her eyelashes,

Before I could reply, something crashed through the elevator ceiling, into the elevator. The monsters. I shoved Harley out of the way, and into the wall. She smirked and winked at me, then shot the creature over my shoulder. She spun around, slamming me into the wall, making my heart flutter. She proceeded to fix her hair, pulling on her pigtails to secure them. Another monster broke through the window. It grabbed me, throwing me out of the elevator. I grabbed hold of the safety bar just in time, dangling precariously over the edge. I gasped as I looked at the ground far below. I heard Harley fighting above me. I knew she could handle herself. I was more worried about falling to my death.

Suddenly Harley's face appeared above me, "Need a hand?"

I rolled my eyes, and she stuck out her hand. I grabbed it, and she pulled me back over the edge.

"Thanks." I said breathlessly,

"No problem!" She smiled, "I wouldn't let a pretty face like yours get all messed up."

I raised an eyebrow as she patted my cheek affectionately. The elevator dinged and the door opened. The rest of the squad was waiting, weapons drawn, ready to fight us.

Harley smiled at them casually, "Hey guys."

She walked past them then turned, "Come on. Let's go."

We kept walking again until we reached a floor that looked like an office. There were several desks, but that was all.

"Hold." Flag said,

"I don't like this Flag." Deadshot said nervously,

"I don't like it either." Flag replied,

Deadshot pulled on his mask.

Harley smirked, "Pussy."

"I will knock your ass out. I do not care that you're a girl." Deadshot said,

"You're all talk big guy." I patted him on the shoulder. He frowned at me in mock annoyance.

Monsters dropped through the ceiling. Where were these things coming from? Harley ran, and I followed to protect her. She shot one behind us, then ran again. Three came at her at once. One picked her up from behind, but she swung around, shooting another while she was in air, then yanking the other one to the ground. She smacked another with her bat. Meanwhile, I shot at them from behind a desk. Deadshot ordered us to protect Flag, as they kept going after him. We circled up around him. He seemed a little put off, but he didn't protest. When it was all clear, we moved again.

We came to a walkway that looked out over the rest of the building. We could see the floors above us, bridges across the building. There were creatures on the bridge too. Deadshot grabbed El Diablo and demanded that he do something. El Diablo argued that it wasn't his fight. I lost track of their conversation as a creature grabbed me and threw me into the ceiling. Something Deadshot said must have changed El Diablo's mind. As I fell on the ground, he shot a huge burst of fire towards the bridges above. Fire consumed everything. All the monsters. They fell burning, to the ground far below.

El Diablo stood, looking at his work. He turned to the rest of us. Harley was looking delighted at the sight. He just looked scared.

"I was just trying to get you there." Deadshot said, "Phil Jackson. We good right?"

Before he could answer, Harley came up and hugged him, "I knew you'd come through."

"That shit crazy." Deadshot added,

Aaaand we were walking again. Flag didn't give us too much time to think about what just happened. He went first. I followed right behind him, keeping my gun out. Never know when more of those freaks were going to appear. Of course, I guess we were freaks too. Deadshot must have been thinking something similar.

He jogged up next to me, "This is weird right?"

"What? One of our guys just shot fire from his hands? Nah. Average stuff." I said, not looking at him.

"One day I'm gonna roll my eyes so hard they fall out of my head." He said,

I smiled, "This is pretty crazy."

"Right?" He looked at me, "I knew I couldn't be the only one. I feel like we're the only normal ones in this squad."

"I don't know if you're normal." I joked,

He pursed his lips. "Hey. You know what I mean anyway. No powers."

"Boomerang doesn't have powers." I noted,

"Yeah but he's for real not normal." He glanced over at Boomerang.

"I guess that goes for Harley too." I looked over at her. She was bothering El Diablo again.

"Obviously." He said, "Did you know I have a kid?"

I stopped and looked at him, "You do?"

"Yeah. Her name is Zoe." He looked serious for a minute, "Good kid. Smart. I don't deserve her. You remind me of her."

I looked at him. He was looking ahead. For some reason, that really got me.

"I never had a dad." I admitted quietly,

He looked at me, and I continued, "He ran off when I was little."

"I'm sorry." He said earnestly,

I shrugged, "Maybe that's where this really started." I gestured to myself. The outfit. The gun. The killer that was me.

"If we get out of this, I want you to meet my daughter." He said,

"You really want your daughter to meet an assassin?"

"Uh... are you serious?" It was his turn to gesture to himself.

"Right." I nodded, "Uh, yeah. I'd love too."

"Are you any good at math?"


"Math. Can you do it?"

"Some." I raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"She needs a tutor." He said,

I stopped and stared at him. Was he joking? I'm an assassin for fuck's sake not a babysitter. He busted out laughing, and I did too. It was fun, for a moment, to imagine we could do something as normal as teach his daughter math. It was a nice change of pace. And then something exploded.  

Author's note: 

Well here ya go. Next upload on Saturday. Another question for you, did you actually like Suicide Squad, or just Harley? 

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