Chapter Ten: Sellout

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Harley walked up to a window, smashing it with her bat. She reached inside, grabbing a sparkly purse.

"Seriously?" Flag said, "What the hell is wrong with you people?"

"We're bad guys, it's what we do." Harley rolled her eyes.

"It is a cute purse." I said approvingly as Harley caught up with me again,

"Right?" She smiled,

We kept walking. Flag approached Deadshot. I wondered if he was offering him the same deal he tried to give me. Finally, we got to our target building. Flag started explaining the rest of the mission to Deadshot and the other men. I was about to join them when I noticed Harley. She was staring at a motorcycle thoughtfully.

"Harley?" I nudged her, "You ok?"

She seemed startled, "Yeah."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Joker." She added quietly, "And the first time I killed a man."

"Harley..." I started,

"After I killed that guy in the road, I put the gun to Joker's head." Harley admitted,

I was shocked, "You did what?"

"He wanted me to do it." She said,

"What happened?" I asked breathlessly,

"He took the gun, and told me to go away." She said shakily,

"Harley you coming?" Deadshot called from up ahead,

I wanted to say something that could change things. For once, couldn't we just talk about what was going on? We always just moved on. Nothing was ever fixed. Harley shook it off, replacing her pain with a dangerous look. A look I, unfortunately, recognized.

She walked up to Killer Croc, "Why do you eat people?"

"Gives me their power." He replied,

"Would you like to eat me?" Harley asked,

"Hell no."

"Awww why not?" She pouted. Was she seriously offended that he didn't want to eat her?

"I don't want your crazy."

"Says the guy who lives in a sewer"

"At least I know it's a sewer."

"Oh I get it! This is a sewer too! Just with nice shops and restaurants. Ya hate mankind much? Let me guess, Mommy didn't take you to chucky cheese on your 6th birthday. I can recommend a good therapist!"

He growled at her and raised a fist to hit her. I reached for my gun. Just in case.

"Why?" El Diablo asked her,

"Because I'm bored." She replied, "I need a victim. A mind to pry apart and spit in."

Harley approached Katana, "And here's one now. Japanese, female. Mid 20s, 5'5, good health, athletic, and..." She paused for effect, "An only child. With deep seated father issues. Daddy wanted a son, so she has to hide behind a mask."

"I am not hiding." Katana said slowly, taking off her mask, glaring at Harley.

"Now that was gangster." Harley smiled,

Deadshot stopped her, "Harley, why don't you stop acting like a drunken stripper?"

"You wanna tell me what the hell is going on then? Because..." She sniffed, "I smell a rat."

"If they don't blow our heads off, we'll have to fight our way out of this city." Deadshot said, "I need you to play nice with the other children."

"And quietly return to my cage." Harley said, her face fallen, "Sure. Okay. Hey, that's ok, sellout. I get it. I get it. I know how the world works, okay? And when it comes to the heart. Everyone for themselves right?"

With that, she turned and walked off. I glanced at deadshot. Harley was right. He was a sellout. I walked off on my own. It seems like Harley needs some space. I walked alone, keeping my head down. Suddenly, something was jabbed into my neck.

"Ouch!" I swatted whatever it was away. I turned and saw Flag standing behind me, holding a syringe, "What the hell!?!"

"Calm down." He rolled his eyes, "It's just a shot."

"What was it?" I demanded,

"Technically it's top secret." He said,

"Technically you just jammed it into my neck!" I argued,

"Alright shut up and listen. I don't know the science, but apparently it can speed up the healing process. Especially bones. They made it with Superman's blood or something. Like I said, I don't know the science. It's still in the testing phase, and Waller gave it to me for emergencies only. How do you feel?"

I eyed him and touched my ribs. They actually didn't hurt as badly. My whole body felt weird too. Kind of warm, but like... in a glowy way? I pushed harder on my ribs. It didn't hurt at all now.

"Why would you do that?" I asked suspiciously,

He shifted uncomfortably, "Maybe we're not as bad as you think."

I stared at him as he walked off. He stopped suddenly and turned back , "Hey uh, don't tell Waller I did that."

I stopped him again, "Flag." he turned around, "Thanks."

He nodded and moved on.

Author's Note:

Sorry I didn't post this yesterday. I was in the car all day and I can't post from my phone. Hope everyone is having a good weekend! 

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