Chapter Two: Priorities

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I sped down the road, remembering the night I got this motorcycle. That was eight months ago. The same night I met Harley Quinn. She was the reason I was going to see Joker. I had seen her face on the morning news. Along with Batman's. She had gotten herself caught. I figured he would be freaking out, and want to make plans to save her as soon as possible.

Sirens sounded behind me. Police. Idiots. I rolled my eyes and sped up. That 249 speed really came in handy sometimes. And if that didn't work, I had about 25 buttons on the handle that would do the job. The Joker's personal touch. I ran my hand over the buttons. I still didn't know what all of them did. I pushed one. There was a loud pop, and an explosion of green and purple glitter. One of the police cars swerved, crashing into a streetlight. I pushed another button. Instead of glitter, a trail of green smoke appeared behind me. I looked over my shoulder. It was impossible to see through. I smiled. The smoke continued to appear until I turned it off. I shut it off, and swerved down an alley. No way the police were still following.

I made it to Joker's place. His current hideout was an old warehouse. I parked, and suddenly laughed. It was so ridiculous. Glitter? One of the most feared men in Gotham had given me a glitter bomb? I doubled over laughing. When I stood up again, I saw myself in the mirror of my ride. I laughed again. There was a bunch of purple glitter in my hair. I shook my hair and some of it fell out. I pursed my lips to keep from laughing. This was going to be such a mess to clean up. Still funny though.

I suddenly remembered Harley in prison, and stopped laughing. I still had work to do. I headed inside. There weren't as many people as I expected. Just a few hired crooks. Even they weren't doing much. Just sitting around playing cards. I frowned.

I addressed them, "Where's Joker?"

They looked up, "Smile and Grin."

I blinked, "He's... at the club?"

"Yep." The man said, popping the p.

I was speechless, "Doesn't he know about Harley?"

"Who?" The man scrunches his face at me,

I stepped back. I ignored his question and headed back outside. Weird that Joker would be planning Harley's rescue at the club. I got back on my motorcycle in a daze. I was so shocked, I actually drove the speed limit for once.

Inside the club, Joker was in his usual spot. I headed over, expecting to see him pouring over plans to break Harley out. He was talking to two men in white suits. They must be here to help get Harley. When I entered his booth, they were all laughing.

"There you are Ace!" The Joker said, "This is the one I was telling you about." He said to the men.

"You really killed that senator?" One of the men in the white suit looked at me,

I shifted uncomfortably, "So, what's the plan?"

"You'll have to be a little more specific." The Joker said,

"To save Harley?"

"Right!" The Joker threw his head back, "You see Ace, we've got big things going on right now, and Harley just isn't really a priority. But we'll get her soon, I promise."

"I could get her." I said,

"Thank you for the offer Ace. Really, it's very considerate, but I need you other places. Like with these men for example. They want to hire you." The Joker dismissed me,

My mouth hung open. I finally managed, "I would love to discuss that. At some point. Unfortunately I have to -- I have to go."

I backed out of the booth. Joker looked at me quizzically but didn't stop me. The other men frowned. Once I was out of his sight, I ran to the bathroom. I locked myself in the stall against the wall. I sat on the floor in the corner, with my legs pulled up to my chest. Poor Harley. There was only one thing to do. And that was to go get her myself.

I pulled out my phone. I needed to figure out where they were taking her. And I had ways of finding information. Just something an old friend showed me. Nothing too difficult. Just get passed some of the most advanced coding to get into the most secure government undercover website. Easy peasy. Not really though. I wouldn't recommend trying it at home.

They used this program to track high level criminals as they were taken to prison. That way, if one of the trucks taking a prisoner went off course, they could immediately send backup. But I just needed to know where they were taking Harley. Probably just to Arkham. But I needed to make sure. I filtered through a list of names until I found Harley. My access was limited, so I couldn't see her full file. I clicked on the map and watched the truck carrying her. Except it wasn't a truck. It was a plane. Weirdly, it wasn't on track to Arkham. In fact it wasn't even in Gotham. It was headed south. I frowned. Where was she going?

"Hey!" Someone banged on the stall door, "I gotta pee!"

I stood up. I could finish this somewhere else. I opened the door. The woman in front of me crossed her arms and pushed past me. I rolled my eyes and went to the counter. I had an idea of where they might be taking Harley. If I was right, this was going to be a lot of work. I leaned against the counter and stared at myself in the mirror. If it was true... was I ready to face that place again? Could I make myself go back? I noticed my shoulders were shaking. I took a deep breath. Was Harley worth this?

"Could you scoot over?"

I looked up. A girl in a blue feathery outfit was leaning over to look in the mirror.

"Sorry, this mirror is just better." She said,

"Right. Sorry." I said,

"Are you with the Joker?" She asked,

I stared at her and she clarified, "Like, are you his girlfriend?"

I frowned, "Umm... no"

"Oh good!" She smiled, "I saw you with him earlier and I got worried. I'm fishin if you know what I mean." She winked at me,

"Yeah." I grimaced. Why did so many people want the Joker?

She finished her eyeshadow and turned to me, "How do I look?"

"You look great." I said awkwardly,

"Thanks! By the way I love the glitter in your hair!" She smiled and bounced over to the door, "Wish me luck!"

When she disappeared, I shook my head in disgust. Joker wasn't going to want her. I mean sure she was pretty, but he had Harley. I looked back at the mirror and ran a hand through my hair, trying to get out some of the glitter. What a mess. I checked my phone and headed out the door. Harley's plane disappeared off the map, confirming where she was headed.

The one place I said I would never go to again.  

Author's Note:

Hmmmm very mysterious. If you like this story, maybe give me a follow. Next update will be on Wednesday. Quick question, would you like me to put recommended songs on each chapter? They would be songs from the movie, or songs that fit the mood of the chapter. I have some in mind for future chapters, so if you would like that, let me know! Thanks for reading!

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