Chapter Five: Home Sweet Home

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In my line of work, waking up in chains is just part of the job description. I had a killer headache, and the bright lights weren't helping much. My vision went in and out. My hearing was wacked out too. I could hear people talking, but it sounded like we were underwater. Everything hurt, except my arms which were practically numb. I was dangling from a chain by only my arms. Someone was approaching. My vision focused enough for me to see Waller's face way too close to mine. Her brown eyes bored into me angrily.

I smiled, "Good morning."

She lashed out and punched me in the nose. My head lolled back. I didn't bother to lift it. I stared at the ceiling. The swinging of the chain I hung on was mesmerizing. Waller grabbed a fist full of my hair, and yanked my head up again, so that she could look at me.

"I should kill you." Waller hissed,

"Why don't ya?" I asked, blood trickling down from my nose into my mouth.

Her lip twitched, "Do you remember this place?"

I looked around and she continued, "Same room you were in last time."

"I imagine they all look the same."

She pursed her lips and took a deep breath through her nose. She walked around me, like a shark.

She put her hand over where I had been shot. She leaned into me, pressing hard on the wound, "Your life is in my hands. I suggest you shut up."

I gasped in pain. I looked down at her hand. Blood, my blood, covered her hand. She released me, and continued pacing around me, "We haven't bothered to patch you up since you got here. Besides being shot, you have a concussion. And a few broken ribs." As she said it, she punched me in the ribs.

After fighting back the tears, I looked at her and laughed. She frowned.

"You can't hurt me anymore." I laughed, spitting blood.

Her frown narrowed further and she punched me again. I gasped again, then continued, "I do remember last time. And that's why I know you've got nothing left, Amanda. Every inch of my flesh is already covered in scars from you. And they've been buried under a million other scars from other people. Nothing left."

Her lips twitched. She snarled and began punching me again. Over and over and over. The blood from my bullet wound mixed with the blood pouring my mouth. I faded in and out of consciousness for a while remembering last time. The first time I was here. "She's just a kid." "A kid who just killed a senator." It wasn't the police who came to get me. "The public can't know" Who were these people? "No Trial." How did they find me? Sold out. "Where am I?" They said they would protect me. "Welcome to Belle Reve, kid." Sold out.

The last time I awoke, Waller wasn't there. I tried to move. It hurt too much. I groaned. A tiny person appeared in the doorway. A girl. She hesitantly crept towards me, holding a bag. I struggled against the chain. I didn't want anyone else to hurt me. She held up her hands in surrender. I stopped struggling. She stopped right in front of me, anxiety written all over her face.

"If I let you down will you kill me?" She asked,

"Do you really think I'd tell you if I did?"

She bit her lip and I continued, "I'm kidding. I don't think I could even if I wanted to."

She relaxed a little bit, but didn't let me down. She reached into her bag and pulled out a rag and water bottle. She wet the rag, and went about cleaning me up. I tried to be as still as possible, even though it stung. Moving hurt anyway. She eventually let me down, lowering me to the floor. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. The girl cleaned the blood off my face, patting it gently with the cloth.

"The concussion will probably be better in a couple of weeks." The girl said meekly, "The ribs... that's another story. If Waller doesn't leave you alone... All your organs are ok though. I'm going to try to take this bullet out."

I nodded and she lifted my shirt. I closed my eyes and clinched my teeth. I had taken bullets out of myself before, but this one was messier. Since Amanda beat me into a bloody pulp, this girl was having trouble even finding the bullet. After digging around for awhile, she found it and removed it. She looked somewhat relieved. I leaned over, and vomited on the floor. Probably because the room was spinning. A whole lot of pain will do that to ya.

I sat back up and wiped my mouth, "Is Harley ok?"

The girl's face softened, "Harley's fine."

I closed my eyes again. I must have fallen asleep again, because next thing I know, I'm hanging from chains again.

Author's Note: 

Sorry no Harley in this chapter. At least you got a bit of Ace's backstory though. I'll update again on Saturday. 

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