Chapter Three: Belle Reve

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Quick life tip: Never go on a 23 hour road trip on a motorcycle. Yeah, I know, that probably should have been common sense, but I wasn't really in my right mind. I stopped once on the way down at a hotel to sleep. Then, when I got to Louisiana, I stopped at another hotel. I had to rest up before I saved Harley. Plus, I was sore from the trip. I only had one bag with me. My trustee backpack. It just had a change of clothes, and a bunch of weapons. Anything else I needed I could just steal.

After a rough night of sleep, I was ready to go get Harley. My plan wasn't very elaborate. Take out a guard, steal his clothes, get Harley, get out. I would draw less attention to myself as only one person. I literally drove up to Belle Reve. The most heavily guarded prison in... the world. Yep. I just drove up. Of course, that was just the entrance, so it didn't look as ominous. I did do a little planning though. I made sure to pull up during shift change. Meaning there would only be one guard for a few minutes. I parked on the side of the road, on the opposite side of the fence. Only one camera was pointed at me. And, I had a way of fixing that too. I could loop the feed on the camera, so that all they would see is the road. I got off my motorcycle and scratched my head. The only time being a 'helpless woman' comes in handy, is when you're a criminal. Apparently, men aren't surprised at all when women are completely clueless.

"Ma'am you can't be here!" The guard yelled across the road,

I held up my hands innocently, "I'm so sorry, my motorcycle just quit working! I'll call AAA or something."

"No, don't do that." The guard said, "Let's see if we can get this figured out."

He crossed the road and joined me. He put his hands on his hips and looked at it.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to cause trouble." I said innocently,

"It's ok honey, let me just radio and let them know I'm-" He pulled out his radio,

I kicked the radio out of his hand.
"Hey!" He shouted, pulling out a gun.

I kicked him in the knee, then spun around and kicked him in the face. He fell over and dropped his gun. I bent over and ripped his helmet off.

"Don't call me honey." I hissed,

After hiding the body, I checked my phone. I had one minute until the shift change was over. I quickly pulled on the man's outfit. It didn't really fit but it did the job. Black cargo pants, black shirt, and a bullet proof vest. Luckily the helmet fit. I made it back to the man's post right as the other guard arrived to take over 'my' shift. He nodded at me, and I walked inside. Once inside, I just had to figure out where Harley was.

I ducked into a hallway without cameras to compose myself. I closed my eyes, trying to remember the layout of this place. Down the hall and to the left, was the security room. That's where they saw cameras for the whole building. I poked my head in. Two men and one woman sat watching all the cameras.

"You supposed to be in here?" One man asked,

"You know this is actually the most dangerous part of the building." I said casually,

"And why is that?" The woman said in a gruff voice

"Because nobody is watching you." I said.

I pulled out my taser and zapped the first man. The woman ran at me, so I punched her in the face, and proceeded to tase her too. The man reached for the red alarm button. I pulled my knife out of my boot and threw it. It hit his hand, causing him to pull it away from the alarm. I took the opportunity to zap him as well. I smiled at the taser and tossed it in the air. It was pretty handy.

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