Chapter 1

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Catherine's point of view

Tomorrow, the boys came back from tour. It was much different without them, but I survived, obviously. Kelsey found herself another boyfriend aswell, though, he's an asshole. I don't know what she sees in him.

Right now, we were at my house. By we, I mean Josh, Kelsey, and I. Me and Josh were on the couch cuddling and Kelsey was texting her boyfriend. She talks to him everyday all day, even when we're having a best friend's day.

"I still can't believe we've got these tattoos," Josh said and ran his fingers over my arm. Me, Kelsey, and Josh, all obsessed with the band All Time Low, decided to get two lines of lyrics tattooed on us.

What lines did we choose? "We'll never surrender, we're kids in the dark." from their song 'Kids In The Dark'. We also got, "The city comes alive, when we're together." from their song 'For Baltimore'.

We got the first one on our arms and the second one was on our collarbones. While the boys were gone, we did a lot of things together, so we grew extremely closer. We got a lot of best friend's tattoos. We probably got four or five in all.

"I still can't believe you even agreed to them." I said and grabbed his hand. "Look," I said, running my finger over his hand, showing a moon. "I never thought you'd agree."

"I never thought you actually meant it," he said, a smile on his lips. "However, I don't regret these one bit." He said and I agreed. "Kelsey, do you regret the tattoos?" He asked, bringing our fully blonde friend into the conversation.

Her boyfriend didn't like her dip dyed hair so she dyed it fully blonde just for him. I think when she got rid of the pink, she got rid of her true self.

"No," she said simply, eyes glued to her phone. She sighed and then put her phone away. "I have to go, Timothy needs me. I'll see you guys some other time." She said and I stood up.

I opened my arms for a hug but she ignored me. She walked right past me and my jaw dropped. She didn't even let us say bye. She just left.

"What's up with Kelsey?" Josh asked me and I felt him pull me into his lap. "Why was she in such a hurry? Especially for Timothy?" He asked me, spitting his name out like acid.

"Because it seems she likes him more than us." I answered and rubbed my arm with the tattoo. "I guess he's more important to her than we are. But I understand, boyfriends are important." I said and he sighed.

"This is getting depressing, lets talk about something else. Please." He said and entertwined our fingers. "Anything else." He said.

"How about the fact you've been five months clean?" I asked and looked at his wrist. Instead of pinky, red slashes, all there was were faded white lines. "And how proud I am of you." I said and leaned into his chest.

"It's all thanks to you, Kelsey, and the boys." He said and I turned my head so I looked at him speak. "You all showed me life's worth living and that I'm actually worth something."

"You've always been worth something, I'm surprised you never saw it before." I said and smiled. "You don't give yourself enough credit Josh." I said and he pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Oh god, please no kissimg while I'm home." I heard my foster dad say and I laughed. "I know she's a beautiful young woman but control yourself Josh." He joked and I smiled.

"Thanks dad, but I'm sexy, not beautiful." I said and he rolled his eyes as I shot him a peace sign with my fingers. Josh laughed and placed his chin on my shoulder.

"Sexy is degrading when it comes to women." My dad said and looked at Josh, pointing a finger. "Remember that young man. Never call my daughter sexy, it is degrading. Women are beautiful, hot, cute, but sexy is not a term I want to hear aimed at my princess." He said and Josh nodded.

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