Chapter 20

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(Smut, daddy! Ashton)

Catherine's point of view

I sat on a hotel bed, bottles of beer to the side of me, boxes of pizza on the floors, and cigarette smoke filling the room. I wasn't an every day smoker, or drinker, but when things became too much, I picked them up once in awhile.

Me and Ashton had the balcony door opened and the sound of cars zooming past filles the silence. "C'mon, let's step outside." He said and nudged my thigh. I nodded and stood up, walking to the balcony with Ashton. We took a seat on the chairs the hotel had out here and looked outside.

"Want one?" I asked Ashton as I showed him a pack of cigarettes. "You don't have to its just we're both stressed the fuck out and have so much shit ahead of us, I'd think you'd want one."

"Minus well," he said and took one. I lit my cigarette and then handed him my lighter. I had kept these in the glove department of my car, seeing as if anyone found out about this they'd force me to stop.

"I'm so done with my fucking phone." I said and looked at it. "All I want to do is throw it outside of this damned balcony." I said as I gripped it so hard in my hand.

"Do it." He said as he coughed. It must be his first time smoking. "I'm tempted to do the same." He said as I turned my phone off.

"I have important things on this," I sighed and flicked the ash off of my cigarette. "I just turned it off." I told him and he nodded.

"This is strangely relaxing." He told me and motioned to the cigarette. "How many more to you have?" He asked and I looked inside of the box.

"Like four," I said and he nodded. "Where are you going?" I asked him as he stood up. He was silent. He walked into the room and then soom came back with the case of alcohol.

"Ahh," I said and he set it between us. I reached into the box and grabbed a can. "How disappointed would my parents, best friends, and brother be in me if I drank this all and smoked all of these cigarettes."

"I'd be pretty damn disappointed myself because I was looking forward to another cigarette and a beer." He said and I laughed as I opened the can in my hand. "However, what they think doesn't matter. They're not here are they? It's just me and you."

"Yeah," I said and took a drink of the can. "They don't matter right now." I said and looked at him. He was staring right back at me.

"Come," he said and I stood up. I threw the now burned out cigarette on the floor and smashed it with my shoe. I took a seat on his lap and then leaned back.

"I missed you Ash," I told him and he chuckled. "A lot. I missed you a lot." I said and took a drink of my beer. Lord knows how many I've had by now, but I didn't care.

"I missed you too kitty-cat." He said and pressed a kiss to the side of my neck. I hummed and he smashed his cigarette on the floor shortly after.

"You know what neck kisses does to me Ashton," I warned and he just hummed as he sucked on it. I gasped and then he ran his tongue over the skin.

"Oh, I know exactly what they do to you." He whispered in my ear. I rolled my neck to the side and he bit down on my earlobe. "Turn around, I want to see you." He said and I did as he said.

I straddled his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're beautiful." He said and I smiled. "Josh should have never let you go." He said as he kissed up my throat.

"We wouldn't be here if he hadn't." I dared to remind him and his hands rested on my hips, his fingers digging into them slightly. "Be glad he did."

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