🌻The Good, the Bad, and the Fashionable Pt 2/3🌻

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🌻Before You Read🌻

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🌻Before You Read🌻

🌻Again, HUGE shout out to aBitGrim for helping me with a TON of dialogue with this. A majority of this is Sakura and Dani going back and forth, so I had to as them for a ton of help as I wasn't sure about Dani's fashion choices/how he'd say things would be.

🌻Also, Grim, thanks for letting me use your character, Rose, in this.

🌻A HUGE shout out to FoxyPuff, sd1229, and riceygirl101 for letting me use Koto, Mori, and Iris's Hero Costumes to roast. KEEP IN MIND: these are fictional characters roasting them. I personally love all of their costumes and would've given them all a 10/10. We just had to think of this from Dani and Sakura's POV.

🌻If they are Pro Heroes...#sorrynotsorry, they are honest opinions. Or at least they are from me. Not all pics above will be used in the story, but I thought it'd be nice to see some Hero Costumes.

🌻I think this is the most interrobangs I've used in one chapter. Can you catch them all?

🌻Alright, that's all, so enjoy!

🌻The Fashion Roundup🌻

🌻The Fashion Roundup🌻

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The rules were simple. Whoever cracked first in pointing out an outfit's flaws was the one who had to take a drink, but to make it more interesting, one of us would look at the costume first to save the eyes of the horrendous costumes. It'd also result in taking another sip of wine, but there were just some designs that should have never seen the light of day. Being that we had both witnessed some awful designs all day, there were just some things we needed to spare our eyes from.

Knowing that Dani was volunteering to do this (though, I was already planning on giving him some sort of pay for his time), I grabbed the binder and opened it to the first page.

Costume #1
Pro Hero: Creati

My stomach tightened as I saw the red costume, seeing the low neckline going all the way down below her belly button. There was a yellow buckle that tried to hold it together at the top, but it didn't do anything to show off the amount of skin. I understood that her Quirk needed her to show a bit of skin, so objects could come out, but I've seen her create things with her hand and push things out of her back. Surely, she could have thought of something better.

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