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As we walked to the door Emily was jumping up and down, I swear she's gonna freak him out.

"Are you trying to freak him out." I laughed.

She roled her eyes and stopped jumping up and down.

While we were standing in line, I got a text in pocket it was from emily.

"I can't breathe." I looked over at her.

"Sorry, why did you text me that idiot I'm standing right next to you." I said confused.

He wasn't at his booth and we have only been standing for like 5 minutes but I was tired, hungry, and I needed to pee.

I told her that I would be right back in time for the line to start moving. I ran to the bathroom and ran in to some one.

Emily's Pov

She has been gone for forever, she probably found the nicest couch in the building.

Before she left this guy came out and she was freaking out because she thought it was him, she doesn't know what he looks like.

When she came back or if she comes back I was going to show her what he looks like on my phone.

As time passed I was getting a little mad at her, I pulled out my phone and texted her.

"Where the hell are you." ugh I sent the message.

I still haven't got a reply but he wasn't up there either so I guess it's okay. I got my phone out and went on Twitter I looked at Conner's and he posted a picture 20 minutes ago of the line.

(caption- so excited to meet you all, love you.)

When I seen that and looked behind me the line has grown a lot since 20 minutes ago.

Casey's Pov

"I am so so sorry." he said

"It's okay I should have been watching where I was going sorry." he was beautiful.

I looked at his face as he helped me up. He looked at me and smiled I blushed. Wow Casey smooth you are so stupid.

"Thanks again..." I said waiting for his name.

"Conner." He smiled

"Well thank you Conner I owe you." I smiled

Conner's Pov

Man was she beautiful, she was simple not like the rest of these girls I meet and those glasses made her unique and I think I like her.

"Thanks again." she said in an innocent voice.

"Come find me after the show." What are you doing Conner she doesn't like you.

"Okay." she said.

Well that was easy.

It was about time to start the meet and greet so I headed to the back to get ready.

Im very excited for this show it's near my home town so I am probably going to stay for a little while, and visit my folks.

I was very excited to meet that girl if she's in line. I hope she likes me.

Casey's Pov

Well he was nice, I said while walking over to emily.

"Where have you been" She said in concern.

"No where this cute guy bumped into me and helped me up." I smiled.

"Cute whats his name" She said while bitting her lip.

"Im not sure I think it was Conner". I said

"Conner!" Her eyes widened.

"What?" I said.

She pulled her phone and showed me a picture.

"Did he look like this?" she asked excited.

"Yes." I said freaked out by her reactions

"That young lady is Conner Roberts!" she said while smiling.

"The one were meeting." she said yes and i told her about him asking to come find him after the show and she was siked.

We were almost to the front of the line and then I left to go find a seat. I waited for her to get done.

When she was finally done she came over to me and told me to stay here and wait for him, then she left and went to the car.

After about an hour passed and still no sign of Conner, so I got up and tried to look for him.

I seen him standing in a empty hall way, I walked up to him.

"I found you." I whispered in his ear.

"Hey." he said

"Did you want to talk to me or something?" I asked.

"Yeah, why weren't you in line." He asked

"I was with a friend so I left after she got close to the front of the line, I honestly had no idea who you were when I bumped into you earlier." I giggle a little.

"Oh." We stood there a minute, told jokes and got to know each other.

He was nice, I think I like him.

"So what did you really want to talk to me about." I said.

"I know we just met but I think you are very beautiful and I wanted to see if I could take you to dinner." He said a little shy.

"Conner I'm flatterd but why me, I mean of all the girls you choose me, why im not that pretty." I said sorta of regretting what I said.

"Well I think you are very pretty and you are different and not like the rest of these girls, showing off there boobs and butt it's not that attractive. But you, you are flawless." he said

"Thank you so much but...." he cut me off.

"Please." He begged

"Fine, fine I will go to dinner with you." I said blushing.

I went out to the car and told emily where I was going.

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My Instagram name is... HannahWiltfang

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