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Casey's Pov

When I woke up I went to get in the shower I washed my hair and body and got out.

I went to my closet and got out a maroon dress that came to my mid thigh and put on a black jacket with blue flats.

I went to do my make-up and hair. I curled my hair loosely and went to make some breakfeast.

After that I got my purse and keys and left to the insurance company for my appointment.

When I got there they said I had to wait 30 minutes before I could go in.

30 minutes later

"Right down there ma'am." the Secretary pointed to the hallway.

"The 5th door on the left" she said

"Thank you."

"You are very welcome." she said

I walked down the hallway and walked in the office room.

I sat down and read a magazine for a minute.

When I was in there for about 10 minutes I got up and stood next to the chair on my phone when the door opened.

The man walked in and shut the door. I was still looking at my phone when I heared him breathing heavy.

"C-Casey?" The man said with a stutter in his voice.

I looked up and I started crying.

"Oh my god Conner." I fell to knees crying into my hands. I heard him fall to his knees too.

"Casey I missed you so much." he said hugging me

"I missed too." I breathed out.

We both sat there on the ground crying in each other's arms until a lady came in there and told him he had another appointment in 3 hours.

"Well I guess I better go I will see you later" I said wiping my tears away.

"Okay see you later." he said breathing out.

"I really missed you Casey, I love you so much."

"I really missed you to Conner, i-I better go" I said shutting the door behind me.

I started crying and then taylor came out I looked up and ran towards my car as fast as I could.

I quickly drove home. I seen him in the parking lot laying down with is hands in his face.

When I got home ran upstairs and cried and sulked the rest of the night. I really love him.

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