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Isabella couldn't hide the gasp she let out when she walked into the Starcourt Mall, Isabella has been to malls before but never as cool as this one

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Isabella couldn't hide the gasp she let out when she walked into the Starcourt Mall, Isabella has been to malls before but never as cool as this one. She looked around in awe as she looked down at her outfit, she pulled it down to try and make it cover her legs. She wear whatever she wanted but Isabella tended to be more reserved with clothing so she wasn't used to having this much showing. "Stop stressing Bella, you look fine," Micah said with a sigh as she adjusted her shorts for the hundredth. "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to dressing like this. I like the shirt but the shorts are a little bit more revealing than I like." Micah scoffed and shook his head. "I love you, but sometimes you dress like you are going to church."

Isabella rolled her eyes and pushes him playfully. "Excuse me for wanting to feel comfortable, I like what I like." Isabella shook her head as she looked around trying to find Scoops Ahoy. "Here we go, Scoops Ahoy." Micah nodded his head towards a bright blue store that made Isabella's eyes hurt at first but she got used to the lights shining off of the walls.

Isabella walked towards the counter and her breath caught in her throat when she saw who was behind the counter. "Uh hi, I'm Isabella." Isabella nervously said looking back behind her at Micah who rolled his eyes at her behavior. "Right, I'm Robin. Steve is behind that wall." Robin pointed behind them towards the glass partition, the glass opened up to reveal a smiley man who waved at Micah with a smile. "You work here?" Isabella pointed at Steve who was walking over to the two of them. "Course I do." Isabella noticed that Steve's gaze lingered a little bit longer on Micah who was smirking behind her. "Right, it's wonderful that you all know each other but you need to be trained." Robin clapped her hands together and opens the swing gates so Isabella can walk through them.

She looks back at Micah who gives her an encouraging smile.  "I'm gonna go, Steve, you wanna walk me out?" Micah looks at Steve questionably who looks at Robin like a dog wanting a treat. "Fine, not like I do everything else around here." Isabella chuckles when Robin looks up to find she's not talking to Steve anymore because he left after she gave the okay. "Anyway, I'm gonna have you change out the ice cream containers and give out samples. Now we give out free samples with this little spoon right here." Robin points to a little jar of blue spoons that are by the counter, Isabella nods. "Is there a limit on the samples?" Robin shakes her head instead of replying, she tilts her head as she looks at Isabella curiously. "Why do I recognize you?" Robin asks rubbing the back of her neck from the awkwardness of the question. "School." Isabella chuckles before she continues. "I go to or used to go to Hawkins High School, I've seen you around some." Isabella smiles as she grabs the hat that Robin had handed her while she was talking. "Yea that's right, we didn't have the same periods except for lunch. I always was a little jealous that you got to hang out with Becca Rosário I am not going to lie." Robin had a wistful look on her face but with a shake of the head, it was gone.

Isabella chuckles. "She's a little nerdy once you get to know her." Whatever Robin was going to say was cut off by someone walking into the store with a scowl on his face. "Can I just get two vanilla?" The man said, Robin, sighed but nodded. "Cones or cup?" Robin asked the man who turned around to look at the entrance which is how Isabella found out he had a mullet, Isabella was glad she wasn't serving him or he would've seen the scowl on her face, Isabella hated mullets she always thought they were so stupid.

"Cones fine." The man with the mullet mumbled, Robin nodded and put one scoop of vanilla ice cream on each cone before grabbing the money and handing him the cones carefully. "Have a nic- day." Robin sighed as the man walked out without letting Robin finish what she was going to say. "He was a jerk," Isabella said to Robin who smirked and nodded. "He was but you better get used to the jerks, we get a lot of them." Robin ushered Isabella towards the back and pulled out this board that she had propped up against the wall.

"This is the YOU SUCK! board, I tally every time that Steve does something sucky, like failing to get a girl's number" Isabella frowned at that, she filed it in her as something to talk to Micah about. "Of course, he's losing by a lot but whenever he gets a girl's number I'll give him a tally but that hasn't happened yet," Robin explains putting the board back against the wall. "Why are you telling me this?" Isabella widened when she realized that sounded rude. "Not to diss on you or anything! It's funny it just seems like you and Steve thing." Isabella laughed slightly rubbing her hands together nervously. "Well, Isabella." Robin walks over towards a counter and grabs Isabella's red name tag, she walks over towards Isabella and takes the backing off the pin. "I won't be here all the time, so I need someone to keep track for me," Robin said softly as she pinned the nametag onto Isabella.

Isabella let out a breath when Robin stepped away, she looked down at the nametag and ran her fingers over it if she thinks about it long enough she can still feel the warmth of Robin's fingers on the tag. "Thank you, I'll do that." Isabella's cheeks heated up the way her voice croaked, Robin didn't seem to notice, the girl just smiled and gestured for the two of them to go back towards the front just in time to see Steve walk towards them with his vest crooked.

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