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Isabella's chest rose with fear, her hands were starting to rub against each other irritability whenever she tried to escape the bonds

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Isabella's chest rose with fear, her hands were starting to rub against each other irritability whenever she tried to escape the bonds. Since Isabella was in the middle she could see that Steve was still slumped with his chin towards his chest while Robin hasn't let go of Isabella's hand and Isabella doesn't want the girl to let go it's become a nice presence. "Help!" Robin yelled for the hundredth time, Isabella understood what Robin was trying to do but it clearly wouldn't work. "Robin, I understand what you're doing but it's not going to work. We're underground and everyone on this level wants to kill us."

Isabella say Robin open her mouth to respond but she also saw Steve jerk himself awake. "She's right you know, Isabella is I mean." Steve's voice was on the quieter side from not being in use. "Steve Oh my god." Robin let go over Isabella's hands and tried to look behind her to Steve but she couldn't. "Are you okay?" Isabella taps Steve's hand once to let him know that she's beside him. "Well, my ears are ringing and I can't really breathe, my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but apart from that I'm doing pretty good." Isabella huffed and tried to pull on the ropes again but like every time she does it, they don't budge.

"The good news is that they're calling you a doctor," Robin says but Isabella's heart sinks when Isabella remembered. "Robin, the doctor is working for them. They may not be exactly helpful." Instead of replying, Isabella heard Robin huff and the room fell silent. "We need to get out of here, you guys see the table to your right?" Robin asks looking towards her right, when Isabella turns to her right she doesn't see anything but Robin's side profile. "No, Steve your other right, and Isabella it's right in front of you."

"Do you guys see those scissors?" Isabella nods and picks up what Robin is thinking. "You want us to scoot over there at all the same time, or try to at least." Robin hums in agreement. "I was thinking that I could either kick the table and kick them in your lap Isabella or you might be able to reach them with your mouth depending on how close we get."

"And Isabella could cut the binds." Steve was still out of it so he was having a harder time keeping up so Isabella was impressed that Steve came to that all on his own. "Yes, and we can get out of here," Robin said gripping Isabella's hand again, Isabella had some questions about the plan but she wasn't going to be the one to ask them, she knew that they had to get out of here especially before the doctor gets here.

"On the count of three, we're gonna hop, alright?" Robin gripped Isabella's hand tighter and Isabella brushed her finger over Robin's knuckle as a form of comfort. "Alright." Isabella braced while Robin counted, and when the brown-haired girl hit three they all hopped forward to Isabella's surprise they moved slightly. "It worked." Isabella laughed in disbelief. "Yea, it did. Let's try again." Robin rubbed Isabella's knuckle and tightened her finger around it before she started to count again.

"One, two, three." The three of them counted at the same time before hopping again. "Holy shit, this is gonna work!" Robin said cheerfully, they were close but maybe that's why Isabella felt worried because nothing was this easy in the movies but she stayed silent and waited for Robin to start the countdown again. "One, two, three." They hopped again but they slipped and landed on the side that Isabella wasn't on so she was facing the ceiling. Isabella huffed as she let her head fall back.

Suddenly below her, Robin started to shake, with laughter or tears Isabella didn't know. "It's okay Robin, don't cry," Steve said trying to calm her down but Isabella started to hear a squeak like Robin was laughing. "She isn't crying Steve, she's laughing." Isabella huffs out and flexes her fingers. "Jesus Robin."

"I'm sorry! I just can't believe I'm going to die in a secret Russian base with Steve "The Hair" Harrington and Isabella fucking Diaz." Isabella let out a chuckle, she tried to hide it but she could see the funny side of the situation that they were in. "You know I came up with that name," Isabella said chuckling for a moment.

"We're not gonna die, because if I did Micah would kill me," Steve spoke like Isabella didn't even say anything. "Who is this Micah you speak of? The two of you have brought him up a few times now." Both Isabella and Steve fell silent. "Steve, you should tell her. We are gonna die after all." Isabella grabbed onto Steve's hand and squeezed for comfort. "We're not- fine. Micah, Isabella's friend. Is my boyfriend." Steve sighed, Isabella was still holding onto his hand so she could feel it when he tensed up waiting for Robin's reaction. "Oh nice, good for you for bagging such a hot dude. Shocking considering you were an asshole in high school." Steve's hand dropped from Isabella's, she opened her mouth to defend Steve to Robin but she didn't have to. "I know, that's why I'm lucky to be with a guy like Micah. Everything they tell you is important it's not, popularity doesn't get you anywhere in life but I guess you gotta mess up to figure things out, right?"

They jumped when the buzzer sounded on the door, Isabella lifted her head to see the boss and three Russian guards follow him into the room. Chuckling the guy lifts a finger and the guards start to lift the chairs back into the position they were in before. "Where are you three going?" Isabella as she turned her head and watched the doctor mess with something that was over on the table.

"Try telling the truth this time, yes?" The boss said bending down so he was at eye level with Steve. "It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful." Isabella heard Steve wince which meant the guy probably pressed his finger onto one of the wounds his guards made. Isabella tensed when the doctor walked towards Steve with a gun thing filled with fluid. "Wait, wait a second. What is that thing?" Steve's voice got louder as the doctor came closer, Isabella closed her eyes tightly as the room echoed with Steve's screams.

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