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Isabella's heart was pounding as Robin led them back downstairs to where they were before, somewhere that was much safer than being out in the open

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Isabella's heart was pounding as Robin led them back downstairs to where they were before, somewhere that was much safer than being out in the open. "You two have seen this before?" Isabella asks Steve and Dustin after she overheard them look at each and something about a gate. "Not exactly."

Beside Isabella Robin huffs and looks at Steve with her arms crossed. "Then what, exactly?" They kept a steady pace to walk down the stairs carefully. "All you need to know is that it's bad," Dustin answers when Steve doesn't know what to say. "It's really bad." Steve agrees, nodding with what Dustin said. "Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad."

Isabella's eyes go wide at what Dustin said, when they get to the floor they were before she runs her fingers through her hair in frustration. She forgot that her hair was in a ponytail so some strands come loose but she can't begin to care right now. "How do you two know about this? Does Micah know about this?" Isabella looks at Steve firmly, he shakes his head. Steve gulps and starts to open his mouth but Erica interrupts them. "Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" They look towards where he was supposed to be to find his body missing, Isabella jumps when the alarm overhead starts to blare loudly.

"Shit," Steve mutters before running over to the closed door to see lots of people running outside in the main room and yelling out things in Russian. "Fuck." Steve closes the door quickly when he keeps it open too long and they spot him. "Go!" Isabella moves into the other room and they start running. They find a door and Dustin opens it but stops quickly when they are in the observation deck of whatever was going on that they saw.

"Shit shit, go go, go." Dustin rushes down the stairs and Isabella is right on his heels, Isabella wants to look behind her to see if Robin is following her but she knows that would only slow her down. They make it down to where the beam is shooting out the device, Isabella puts a hand on her heart to slow her breathing. For some reason, it was harder to breathe as she got near the device but it could also be because she is running for her life. "Guards! This way." Robin says making Isabella jump out of her thoughts and lead them down a stairwell behind the beam.

Steve pushes some barrels down to block some guards from coming their right but before Isabella could get into the door a guard throws a baton at the back of her knees making Isabella fall, she looks up to see Robin's scared look but Isabella nods and Robin closes the door with Steve. Isabella tenses when she feels hands on her drag her into a sitting position, she has a guy trained on her as the other ones go try to push the door down.

Isabella gulps as she looks to her right to watch as the guards have their guns trained on Steve and Robin but she doesn't see Dustin and Erica which means they got out, unlike the three of them. The three of them are forcefully lifted and the guards push them to get in a weird formation as the guards lead them upstairs. "You were supposed to get away." Isabella's voice comes out breathless as her knee hurts from getting knocked down. "I couldn't let you go through this alone." Robin brushes her fingers against Isabella's as the guards start to split them into different rooms to Isabella's fear.

"I'm not telling you anything." Isabella looks at the guard who shrugs. "I don't hit women, but I can hit you." That was all Isabella got as a warning before the guard's fist rears back and punches Isabella so hard that her vision goes black.

The next time Isabella wakes she's being moved, she can feel her feet dragging against the linoleum floor. Before she can start to struggle as she's starting to wake up she hears a buzzer and Isabella is thrown into a room with Steve and Robin. Isabella can tell that Steve is in worse shape than she was. "Oh my god, Isabella," Robin says carefully crawling towards Isabella, Isabella winces when Robin's fingers graze the black eye that she surely has now. "Steve." Isabella whispers, she had to protect him. She knew if she didn't Micah would be upset at her.

"What did you do to him?" Isabella asks the one who was running this place, even Isabella could see that and she hasn't had any time with him. His hand rears back and he slaps Isabella across the face, her cheek stings but she looks at him with fire in her eyes. "We're not talking." Isabella chuckles, but he waves his hand and tells the guards to them in the chairs.

Isabella struggles and she can hear Robin struggling as well as they're picked up roughly and put in rolling chairs, Isabella is facing the wall and Robin and Steve are behind her with their backs facing each other. "Don't touch him," Isabella growls as the guy in charge picks his hair up and tilts his head back. "Steve? Steve, can you hear us?" Robin questions. "I think your friend need a doctor." The man stands in a way that both Isabella and Robin can see him.

"Good thing we have the very best." He laughs and then the guards start laughing around him, Isabella's hand finds Robin's and she grasps it tightly which Robin grasps back. Isabella gathers her spit and spits it into his face, because of the angle he doesn't get all of it but he huffs and brings his handkerchief up and wipes it off, he walks towards Isabella and bends down so he can look into her eyes.

"You are going to regret that, you little bitch."


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