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Isabella was tired, both Robin and Isabella were trying to figure out what it meant and where the Russians were hiding but Isabella's knowledge of the Russian langue was becoming limited, she told them from the start it's been a long time since sh...

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Isabella was tired, both Robin and Isabella were trying to figure out what it meant and where the Russians were hiding but Isabella's knowledge of the Russian langue was becoming limited, she told them from the start it's been a long time since she's learned the language but that is where Robin comes in. Having to work near Robin has only made Isabella's feelings for the girl to grow but Isabella has to be careful she doesn't want to have to leave Hawkins because she's made some real friends here and she likes them a lot.

She watched Robin out of the corner of her eye as she was listening to the recording while reading a Russian codebook, Isabella was refilling the ice creams so she couldn't drop everything when the little girl that keeps stealing ice cream from them rang the bell. "Excuse me?" The girl rang the bell nonstop luckily Robin turned around with a sigh. "I'd like to try the peanut butter chocolate swirl please?"

Robin shook her head with a smile. "No, no more samples today." Robin took the headphones out from her neck and put them on the partition separating the back from the front. "Why not?" The girl asked sassily. "Because you're abusing our company policy." The little girl scoffed before looking around. "Where's the sailor man?" Isabella hid her chuckle behind a vat of ice cream that she was carrying so neither the girl nor Robin would see it.

Surprisingly Robin didn't try to hide her chuckles. "Sorry, he can't help you. He's busy." Like Isabella expected the little girl asked another question. "Busy with what?" Robin looked at Isabella sneakily before looking back at the girl. "Spycraft." Which by Spycraft Robin meant that Steve and Dustin were out staring at people trying to see if anyone looked like a Russian and no matter how many times Isabella said that was offensive and no will "look Russian" they didn't care.

The girl sighed before turning around with the little posse she brought and walked out of Scoops Ahoy. Robin sighed and grabbed a cup before putting some kind of soda into it. "How's the code-breaking going?" Isabella asks looking at Robin who shrugs. "Not amazingly, to be honest, I'm still translating stuff as well. Are you sure you don't know anymore?" Robin asks, hopping up on top of the partition wall and sitting on it before grabbing the piece of paper she had her notes on.

"No, I told you that my Russian was limited but also rusty. I'm shocked I got the translation as far as I did but I had your help." Isabella smiled and looked away when she saw Robin's eyes shine when Isabella praised her. Isabella sighs as she starts to wipe down the counters, she can hear Robin behind her muttering whatever she wrote down but her ears perked up when she heard the next phrase. "A trip to china sounds nice if you tread lightly." Robin slurped her soda that she grabbed before putting it down on the partition and opened the book. "Tread lightly," Robin muttered to herself but Isabella heard it, sensing Robin got something Isabella dropped the rag and walked over to where Robin was sitting, Isabella's breath was ghosting Robin's leg but she didn't object.

Before they could get anywhere someone was knocking a the back door, Robin sighed and slid the glass doors open before handing Isabella the book haphazardly so Isabella fumbled with the book for a second before getting a good grip on it. "Thank you," Robin said to the delivery man taking the box and putting it on the table behind her.

Robin signed for the package and froze before giving the form to the man, Isabella's eyebrows rose when she watched as Robin walked out the door that the man went out from. Robin smiled before turning back and running back into the room, she walked quickly past Isabella who was going to open her mouth to ask her what was going on then when Steve and Dustin came back she quickly walked through them too. "What's going on?" Steve turns towards Isabella who starts gesturing for them to follow her. "She cracked something." This was based on deduction but Isabella was pretty sure she was correct.

"Robin, what are you doing?" Steve asked Robin who was standing on a bench with a smile on her face. "I cracked it." Robin chuckles excitedly which made Isabella have to turn away to hide her smile. "I cracked the code," Robin said adding onto it as she jumped down from the bench.


Isabella would rather be anywhere but here, she was on top of the roof of the mall next to Robin. It was pouring down raining and the raincoat that Isabella had wasn't doing much to protect her from the drops that fell from the sky. "Look for imperial panda and Kaufman shoes." Robin instructed Dustin as he took over the binoculars. "They're with that one whistling guy 10 o'clock," Dustin said pointing to the guy with the boxes that Isabella had to squint to see. "What do you think is in there?" Isabella asks looking at Robin with concern. "Guns" "Bombs" "Chemical weapons." Dustin, Steve, and Robin say one after the other.  "Whatever it is their armed to the teeth," Isabella said as she wiped the rain out from her eyes.

"Great, that's great," Steve says sarcastically. "Hey! What's in there?" Robin says as one of the guys uses a keycard to unlock a door that the whistling guy started to roll the shipment into. "It's just more boxes." Dustin answers, Steve reaches for the binoculars and Dustin doesn't let go. "Let me check it out," Steve says trying to brush Dustin's hands away. "No, I'm still looking," Dustin exclaims holding on to the binoculars. "Shut up, you're gonna get us caught," Isabella says as the binoculars hit the building making a loud clang, the guys with guns heard it and looked up so the four of them ducked down quickly.

Without knowing both Robin and Isabella's interlocked hands, when they noticed they awkwardly let go but with the loss of Robin's hand Isabella felt sad but her heart was pounding with fear too much for her to care. Robin nudged her and started to crawl away back down where they came up from. "Well, I think we found your Russians," Isabella says to Steve as they're walking under the mall towards safety.

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