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To save Isabella's first day was hectic would be an understatement, so Isabella was glad it was over

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To save Isabella's first day was hectic would be an understatement, so Isabella was glad it was over. Instead of going straight home, Isabella had asked Lidia if she could go over to the Carrillo house to which she agreed if Marino had picked up the answer would've been no but since Lidia did the answer was yes.

After saying goodbye to Robin she made her way outside, she gripped her backstrap tighter as she stood on the sidewalk waiting for Mr. Carrillo or Jude as he insisted on Isabella calling him, to pick her up. She smiled when she saw Jude's car pulling up next to her, she heard the door unlock and she opened the back door. "Thank you for letting me stay at your house for a little bit Jude." Isabella still felt a little weird about calling him Jude because she was taught to treat adults with respect and call them by their last names but Isabella is trying. "Of course, glad Lidia let you come." Jude looked at her with a smirk on his face, Isabella chuckled and put her seatbelt on after putting her backpack in the seat beside her.

"Where did you and Steve make out at?" Isabella smugly says to Micah who blushed from embarrassment. "How did you guess?" Micah turns around in his seat so he can look at Isabella. "Well, only one reason you would ask Steve to walk you out, and his vest was ruffled when he walked back in the store so I put two and two together but I don't think Robin figured it out or if she did she didn't say anything." Micah let out a sigh of relief at the last part and turned back around in his seat.

Hawkins is a small town so if someone knew about Micah and Steve the word be all over town by tomorrow. "We went in the bathroom, he made sure it was empty before we went into it and he locked it." Isabella nodded but bite her lip trying to decide if she should tell Micah about the board. "What's up?" Micah asks looking at her in the rearview mirror, he looked at her expression and he knew that there was something Isabella wanted to tell him. "I have to tell you something, Robin has this board called "You Suck!" and every time Steve fails to get a girls number she puts a tally, I'm really sorry but I thought-" Isabella was cut-off by Micah bursting out laughing, the laugh made even Jude jump who gripped the steering wheel tighter.

Micah's laugh tapered off so he finally told them what was going on. "I know about it, I know that he needs to keep up his image so I said it was fine if he flirted with girls as long as I wasn't around well when he found out the about the board him and I made it a game. I said when he gets a girl's number and she has to, tally that as Steve Rules then I go on a date with him where he gets to pick what we do instead of me." Both Jude and Isabella both let out identical sighs of relief.

"Honestly son, thank god. I didn't want to have to pay Steve a visit." Jude says as he pulls into their driveway. Micah rolls his eyes as he gets out of the car when Jude puts it in park. "As if I would let him cheat on me, he would be dead before you can even know about it." Micah jokes as he grabs the house keys from his pocket and unlocks the door for them. "That is true, I forgot about that." Isabella smiles and places her backpack down on the couch before opening it and grabbing some clothes to change into. "I'm gonna go ahead and go to the bathroom and change if that's alright?" Isabella raises her eyebrow at Micah, he smiles and nods at her before sitting on the couch and looking for something to watch.

Isabella changed into a graphic teeshirt along with some comfortable jeans, she put on her classic brown cardigan over it and folder the sleeves so they reached her elbow. She grabbed her uniform that she was wearing before and rolled them into a ball, she would have to iron them or wash them tonight so they would be good for her shift tomorrow. Isabella smiled when she walked back into the living room and saw Micah with the remote, she glanced at the tv and saw the intro to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory playing, the Carrillo family had an impressive amount of movies. "Now why did you choose this movie, you know Gene Wilder creeps me out," Isabella said making Micah chuckle as he watched her put her uniform into her backpack.

"I just like to see you scared." Micah jokes, he pulled the lever on the side of the couch and it went up, Isabella huffed and sat in the middle. She crossed her legs and put them on the couch next to Micah's feet while Jude sat on her left and pulled the same lever. "Why didn't you invite Steve? This would've been nice." Jude says looking at Micah concerned. "Oh, he wanted to hang out with the kids. He hasn't seen them in a while because he's been hanging with me and working." Micah answers putting popcorn in his mouth.

Isabella nods understandingly and lets her head rest on the back of the couch. She felt like she could sleep here but she needed to leave once this movie was over. Luckily they were neighbors so it wasn't a hassle for Isabella to walk to her house during the night when she was finished hanging out with Micah.


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Fun fact: The Gene Wilder thing comes from the fact that my Dad was scared of that movie growing up lmao

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