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Isabella felt awkward whenever she was at home so that led her to give all of her focus to finding out about the Russians but it was a good thing because she got to spend more time with Robin, even though she doesn't know if Robin would like her b...

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Isabella felt awkward whenever she was at home so that led her to give all of her focus to finding out about the Russians but it was a good thing because she got to spend more time with Robin, even though she doesn't know if Robin would like her back so for now, Isabella is okay with staying friends.

Isabella was content with taking it one day at a time and helping crack the code. "Hey, we got a customer," Robin said nodding towards the register, Isabella turned around and her eyes widened when she saw who it was. ", Hi Mr. Sharpe. What can I get you?" Daniel smiled and nodded his head towards the counter. "Just one scoop of vanilla in a cone please." Isabella nods and grabs the cone along with the scoop. "Did you talk to your parents yet?" Daniel asks as Isabella carefully places the ice cream on the cone.

"I did, I've been avoiding them though. 2.50 please." Isabella says looking down at the price, Isabella handed Daniel the cone when he gave her the money. "Keep the change." Daniel nods towards the five-dollar bill in her hand, she smiled and nodded at him as he walked out of the shop.

"Hey, Isabella! Dustin is back." Robin yells from the back, looking to make sure no one is coming Isabella turns around and presses her hand up against the door making it swing open. "Did I miss anything?" Isabella asks as she sits down next to Robin. "Dustin found out that someone has a keycard to get in but the one carrying the card has a giant gun." Robin quickly explains making Isabella sigh but nod in understanding. "There's gotta be a way in right?"

Steve leans forward putting his elbows on the table before speaking. "I could just take him out." Isabella put a hand over her mouth to hide her chuckles. "Take who out?" Robin asks looking at Steve with raised eyebrows. "The Russian guard." When Robin rolls her eyes but nods at Steve he defends himself. "What? I sneak up behind him, knock him out and take his key card it's easy."

Dustin crosses his arms and stops his pacing. "Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Steve turns towards Dustin and nods. "Yes Dustin, I did. That's why I would be sneaking." Isabella shakes her head and leans forward. "So please, tell me this and be honest. Have you ever actually won a fight before?" Robin chuckles and high-fives Isabella which she does with a smile. "That was one time," Steve says shaking his head. "Twice." Dustin corrects smirking at Isabella which she returns. "Jonathan, the year prior." Isabella raises her eyebrows in shock.

"Listen, that doesn't count." Steve counters making Robin sigh in boredom. "Why wouldn't it count, because it looks like he beat the shit out of you." Isabella shook her head as she watched Dustin and Steve bicker, her gaze went to Robin who suddenly had a smile on her face. "That just might work," Robin said quietly but Isabella could hear it, she quickly got out of the car and grabbed her bag, and walked towards the front.

Isabella's chair squeaked as she got up quickly, she watched as Robin grabbed the tips. "What are you doing?' Isabella asks, watching as Robin starts to back up. "To find us a way into that room, a safe way!" Isabella looked at Steve worried before looking back towards Robin. "Let me go with you." Robin shook at her with a smile at Isabella. "I won't be long, besides someone's gotta be in charge." Robin waved at Isabella ignoring Steve's protests about he was mature enough to be in charge. "If you were mature enough you would've stopped Dustin from licking the ice cream scoop." Isabella nods to Dustin who was licking the rest of the ice cream that was leftover, Steve groans in disgust and takes the scoop from him and puts it in the sink so they can wash it later.

It wasn't long before Robin came running back into Scoops Ahoy carrying something that was rolled up tightly. "Come to the back," Robin called to everyone loudly so Isabella had made sure no one was in the store before she went to the back where Robin, Steve, and Dustin were waiting for her. "It is fascinating what 20 bucks will get you in the county clerk's office," Robin says as she unrolls the roll on the table.

"Starcourt Mall, the complete blueprints." Robin crosses her arms knocking her shoulders with Isabella who was standing next to her. "Not bad." Isabella fondly says, Robin smiles and points somewhere on the map. "So this is us, and this is where we want to go." Robin moves her finger to another spot on the map.

"I don't see a way in." Steve frowns slightly looking at the blueprints. "There's not, but if you're talking about exclusive about the doors." Robin moves the top blueprint to reveal another one under it. "Air ducts." Dustin clarifies which Robin nods at.

"Exactly, turns out this secret room needs air just like any old room." Robin walks over to the whiteboard and grabs the marker before walking back to the table. "These air ducts lead all the way. Here." She looks up once she finished drawing the maze of where they needed to go.

Isabella turns her gaze towards the air vent that was high on the wall, it seems like the three of them had the same idea because Steve was already grabbing a ladder while Robin was looking for a screwdriver to take the vent. "Here, help me," Steve said to Isabella so she grabbed the other side and they moved right up against the vent. "Have you told Micah about any of this?" Steve asks quietly so only Isabella could hear. "No, I've been quiet. What about you?" Steve nods in agreement as he takes the screws off the vent and hands them to Isabella.

"Flashlight." Steve holds out his hand towards Dustin who gives him a flashlight, after a few seconds he looks around and pulls back away from the vent without getting off the ladder. "Yea, I don't think we're gonna fit." Isabella opened her mouth to say something but Dustin injected with letting him try. Isabella shook her head as she watched Steve try to push Dustin into the vent but he did have any luck.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Robin said elbowing Isabella and nodding towards the little girl who was dinging the bell. "No," Isabella complains but Robin smirks and nods. "Oh, yea."


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