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Isabella's hair was tied into a ponytail with the scoops ahoy hat carefully placed on top, Robin was still training Isabella but unlike most trainers on the job Robin had let her have a little bit more freedom to do things herself

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Isabella's hair was tied into a ponytail with the scoops ahoy hat carefully placed on top, Robin was still training Isabella but unlike most trainers on the job Robin had let her have a little bit more freedom to do things herself. While the two of them were out front Steve was in the back cleaning out the empty tubs of ice cream.

The shop was fairly packed but Isabella should learn to expect that considering it's the summer and all the kids including Isabella are out of school. Isabella let out a breath when she saw a group of kids coming towards the counter but before she can say anything Robin rolled her eyes before yelling at the back to Steve. "Hey Dingus, your children are here." Isabella looked confused but Steve opened the partition. "Again, seriously?" Instead of responding the black-haired kid who was by the bell just looked at Steve and dinged the bell.

Steve huffed and walked out from the backroom and led the kids towards the back, Isabella looked at Robin confused but Robin shrugged so Isabella decided to let it go for now. "What was that about? I know those kids but I'm not familiar with them or anything." Isabella questioned Robin who was handing out samples as the customers asked for them. "Those were Steve's kids, they like to use him so they can sneak into movies without paying for them." Robin clucked but she stopped when she noticed Isabella wasn't laughing with her. "What's wrong?"

"Won't he get in trouble if they get caught?" Isabella questioned before smiling at a customer and giving them their order of ice cream. "Well for one they won't get caught and if he did get in trouble it's his fault. I warned him but he doesn't listen, he's 18." Isabella pressed her lips together but nodded in understanding, Robin was right it's not Isabella's job to make sure that Steve stayed out of trouble for Micah.

Micah didn't tell her to do that so Isabella had no business hovering over Steve all the time while they were at work. Whatever Isabella was going to say died on her lips when the power to the mall went out. "That's weird," Isabella said before looking at Robin, Steve popped his in from the back room and tried the light switch and to no one surprise, it didn't work. "That isn't gonna work dingus," Robin said crossing her arms as they watched Steve keep flipping the switch on and off. "Oh really?"

Steve started to move the switch up and down quicker, Isabella rolled her eyes. "What are we going to do about the ice cream?" Isabella directs her question at Robin who shrugs. "If the ice cream spoils Scoops Ahoy can send us more." Robin walks towards the counter that is against the wall and lifts herself on top of it so she can sit down, Isabella wanted to say something about how unhygienic it was but she decided not to.

A few seconds later the lights came back on and since Steve hadn't stopped fiddling with the light switch the store lights came back on quickly. "Let there be light," Steve said smugly before going back towards the back again, Isabella cracked a smile before grabbing a cone and putting scoops of ice cream on top before handing it to the customer. "Longest 5 minutes of my life," Robin complains getting down from the counter to take the customers' orders who have become restless from the power outage.

Isabella smiled slightly looking at her shoes just in case Robin knew her face was red, she still would get a flutter feeling every time Robin said something cute. She hoped it would go away soon because she didn't want to make the same mistake she did in the town they lived in before, that's why she was grateful when she was told that Marino had a job opportunity down here. It meant that Isabella could start over.

"Hey!" Isabella was snapped out of her thoughts by Robin snapping her fingers in front of her face, she stepped back quickly before shaking her head to grab her out of her head. "Sorry, but you went spacey. The customer called me because they were calling your name and you weren't responding, so I served them and then got you out of your trance." Isabella huffed and played with the ends of her ponytail which were over her shoulder. "Sorry about that, if it's alright with you I think I'm gonna call my Dad to come to pick me up?"

Isabella was waiting for Robin to say no but she gave a half-smile before nodding. "That's fine, it's almost time for you to clock out anyway so I'll just clock out for you." Isabella smiled before walking to the back and typing in their home phone number and putting it up to her ear. "Hi Dad, can you come to get me. They let us go early because of the power outage." Isabella listened to Marino rant about having to pick her up but Isabella knew he was only teasing because he was never serious so when he gave her the confirmation she hung up the phone and put it back on the base against the wall.

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