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When Isabella becomes lucid she's sitting next to a toilet in the bathroom, she vaguely remembers puking and watching a movie but Isabella doesn't remember anything else

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When Isabella becomes lucid she's sitting next to a toilet in the bathroom, she vaguely remembers puking and watching a movie but Isabella doesn't remember anything else. "The ceiling stopped spinning for me. Is it still spinning for you guys?" Isabella starts to shake her head but the movement makes her sick so she swallows the bile and takes a deep breath. "It has, but I'm still sick." It takes a second for Steve to respond, instead, they hear him chuckle. "Holy shit, no." Isabella frowns, she wants to see how they're doing but she doesn't feel like leaving the safe space of her stall. "You think we puked it all up?" Isabella asks loud enough so the two of them would hear her.

"Maybe, ask me something." Robin chuckles before saying something else. "Interrogate me," Robin says in a Russian accent making Isabella smile leaning her head against the bathroom tile, she was starting to feel good enough to move but the cool tile felt soothing to her aching neck, she pulled her hair into a loose bun when she got a break from puking so she didn't have to worry about it getting in her hair.

"Okay, interrogate you, sure." Steve starts. "When was the last time you peed your pants?" Isabella opened her mouth shocked that, that is all that Steve came up with and the question that he decided to ask. "Today." Isabella raises her head shocked at the honesty of Robin's answer. "What? When?" Isabella asks, wincing as she attempts to crawl out of the bathroom but she's met with a wave of nausea. "When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw." Isabella smiled, she wanted to smack Steve when he laughed but luckily Robin wasn't hurt or upset.

"It was just a little bit, though." Robin chuckled which made Isabella shake her head fondly. "Alright my turn, and I want to ask you one, Isabella." Isabella straightened up into a sitting positioning, she didn't think any was still in her system but she still felt floaty so she might be wrong. "Hit me," Isabella says rubbing her hands together. She hears Robin take in a deep breath before asking her question. "Do you have a crush on someone?" If Isabella focused hard enough she thought she can hear a tone of amusement in Robin's voice. "I do." It slipped out before Isabella could stop it, her eyes widened slightly before slapping a hand over her mouth. "Are you gonna tell us who it is?" Steve interjects himself into the conversation, Isabella closes her eyes. "No, I won't." Isabella could've let out a sigh of relief that she didn't spill her secret.

"Interesting," Robin says mutely, Isabella fills a pull at her heart so she gets on her hands and knees because she can't bear to walk at the moment before she starts to crawl towards Robin, she gives Steve a half-smile as he looks back at her with a glint in her eyes like he knows something. "The floor is disgusting," Robin says as soon as Isabella takes her spot leaning against the door of the stall. "Yeah, well I already have a bunch of puke on my shirt so." Isabella shrugged as she looked at her gross shirt which was covered in her bodily fluid.

"So, what do you think?" Isabella winces as she moves her knees up towards her chest so Robin can have more room. "About what?" Robin looks at Isabella confused. Isabella sucks her teeth in debating on if she should say this but she decides not to. "About this situation, we've come a long way." Robin chuckles slightly before nodding. "Yea, we have." Robin looks down at her fingers before looking back up. "I'm glad I've made a new friend out of this situation." It pains her to call Robin a friend but she knows that she'll never have what she wants. "It's shocking but I like you, Isabella, like a lot but I'm not like your other friends." Robin rests her head against the tile sighing.

"Robin, that's exactly why I like you." Robin doesn't know how much that has a double meaning for Isabella but Robin scoffs and waves her hand sloppily brushing her off. "I don't know if you remember this but when I was talking to Steve earlier about being in Mrs. Clicks about me being jealous and like obsessed with him? It wasn't because I was into him, it was because I was into Tammy Thompson but she could not take her eyes off of Steve and his stupid fucking hair. She just couldn't stop staring at him but I wanted her to look at me. Now I understand why he didn't like her but I didn't know that then." Robin falls silent as she looks at her feet.

Isabella chuckles slightly and leans forward, she moves to sit on her knee before she gently puts her hands on Robin's face. Robin's face contorts waiting for something bad to happen but Isabella leans closer to Robin and kisses Robin on her lips. Isabella feels Robin's hands come up and grasp onto the hairs on the back of her head deepening the kiss. They pull back when they hear a cough, Isabella thinking that someone caught them but remembers that Steve is in the stall next door to the two of them. Isabella chuckles slightly before taking her hands down and puts one hand on Robin's knee before using the other to grab Robin's hand. "This explains why you would hold my hand, I didn't complain because you brought such comfort to me." Robin bites her lip before squeezing Isabella's hand that she was holding.

"Hey, what can I say. I have a crush on you." Isabella's eyes light up at Robin who shakes her head and chuckles. They both jump and drop their hands when the bathroom door slams open, they look towards the door to see Erica and Dustin, Isabella grits her teeth when she notices Dustin looks mad. "Okay! What the hell?"

 "Okay! What the hell?"

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