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Turns out Dustin wasn't mad at them for the reason they thought, the two of them thought they walked in on the perfect moment to see them when they kissed but they pulled back just in time because instead, Dustin was mad about the fact that the th...

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Turns out Dustin wasn't mad at them for the reason they thought, the two of them thought they walked in on the perfect moment to see them when they kissed but they pulled back just in time because instead, Dustin was mad about the fact that the three of them ran away from the theater which Isabella doesn't remember being in. Dustin gestured for the three of them to get up and he opened the bathroom door peaking around it, Isabella sighed but helped Robin in a standing position. Her lips ghosted Robin's ear, if she was anywhere else she would sneak a kiss and make Robin laugh but it was too risky so Isabella pushed down the feeling of sadness and followed Dustin and Erica into the crowd from the movie showing that happened tonight.

Isabella wasn't listening to the conversation but she lifted her head when Steve started to talk. "Uh, Dustin." Dustin hummed and kept walking so he wouldn't draw attention to the three of them. "We might not want to go to your house." Dustin turned his head slightly to look at Steve so she saw his raised eyebrow. "Why?"

Steve winced, Isabella wished that she could call Micah so he could comfort Steve but she knew that was too risky because they could come after Micah and their friends. "Well, I might've told them your full name." Isabella shook her head in shame, of course, Steve would leave out the important part that they were drugged. "What is wrong with you?"

Isabella touched Dustin's shoulder which made him jump but she let go quickly and they kept walking. "Don't blame him, we were drugged." Dustin shrugged. "So." The word made Isabella and Steve scoff. "So?" Steve repeats looking at the back of Dustin's head like he was crazy. "So, you resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man." Isabella's had enough, she balls her fist which makes Robin look towards her. Robin shakes her head softly before moving her fingers towards Isabella's hand. They link their pinkies together before breaking apart quickly.

"That's easy for you to say, you weren't there." Isabella was unable to stay silent and her voice shook because of how mad she was, luckily she was saved from Dustin replying by Robin. "Guys." She put her arm out and grabbed Dustin by the arm to stop him from walking. They saw a Russian soldier talking to various customers no doubt to ask them if they've seen them in the mall around. "Abort," Isabella said quickly stepping back but it was too late because the man turned around and locked eyes with them so Isabella turned around quickly and pulled Robin with her before they started to run.

The escalators were down so they had to jump the rail and slid down the middle part. Isabella's heartbeat as she hopped the counter of some food place, they were so close together that no one noticed beside Robin when she slipped her hand into Robin's. Instead of pushing away like she thought Robin grabbed and held on tight like if she let go she would fall.

Isabella could hear the footsteps getting closer, she closed her eyes tightly thinking that this was it. She was going to die tonight but at least she would be in love. All of them jumped when a car alarm started, her heartbeat quick when she heard a metal crunch followed by the men screaming. Steve nudged her so she reluctantly broke her grasp with Robin and slowly stood up to see what caused the crunch.

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