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Isabella needed a break, or she felt like she needed to anyways

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Isabella needed a break, or she felt like she needed to anyways. She asked for the day off, she just couldn't handle any more Russian. She couldn't be around her parents either, she hasn't been able to look at them in the same way since she found out. All Isabella can see is the fact that her parents hid this from her, which is what led Isabella to his door.

She felt a little bit awkward but he did say to come him with anything, so Isabella raised her fist and knocked quietly on the door. "Uh hi, you did say I could come over with anything so, could I come in." Isabella put her hands together and smiled at the guy who opened the door. He gave her a slight smile and chuckled before stepping aside opening the door wider so Isabella can step into his house. "I'm glad I'm not your teacher anymore because this would give people the wrong impression." The man said sitting on the chair across from Isabella who laughed.

"Well Mr. Sharpe, it is your fault. You offered to be someone in the school I can talk to." Daniel laughed at the comment that Isabella said before standing up and walking towards the kitchen before coming back with two glasses of lemonade which Isabella takes her with a grateful smile. "I am the guidance counselor so it is my job to listen to the students but we share experiences so, tell me, Isabella. What's going on?" Daniel places his hands together in front of him giving his attention towards Isabella.

Isabella looks down at the shag carpet before raising the glass towards her lips and taking a sip before putting it on the table. "The other day I was trying to call home to tell one of my parents that I'll be late but I ended up hearing my Dad who was talking to my Mom, he said that he was going to be late again which isn't new he's been late a lot but Mom said that he needs to quit this because they're already overworking him and that he took a pay cut when they moved down here. Which I didn't know, I thought we moved to Hawkins because he got a promotion. After all, that's what they told me."

Daniel nodded at Isabella looking at her curiously. "Do you know why they came here? The real reason." Isabella hesitated but nodded when Daniel looked at her encouragingly. "It was because of me actually, I was being bullied at my school because of my sexuality as you know. I didn't know however the severity of it because people were actually sending us death threats. What I'm having trouble with is why didn't they tell me? Did they not think I can take it? I know that they're probably trying to protect me but shouldn't they tell me the truth, now that we're safe and out of that environment? Especially if Dad is taking a pay cut and they're forcing him to work himself to death just because he looks different. That's not okay, he is hurting himself all because he can't tell me the truth." Isabella didn't even realize she was crying until she opens her eyes to see a tissue being handed to her, she takes it and Daniel stands up to sit beside her and put his arm around her.

Daniel rubbed her back gently. "It seems like you need to talk to Marino and Lidia about this, I know it would be hard but you should do it because it's the only way you can get clear answers that you need. The answers that you deserve Isabella." Daniel squeezes her hand reassuringly. "Thank you, I'm really sorry for imposing but I knew that you would have the answers that I would need, I know that I need to talk to my parents but I'm really nervous. I don't want them to think that I spied on them because I didn't, it was an accident." Isabella's hands were shaking as lifted the lemonade to her lips to take a sip.

Daniel nods but stands up and moves back to the chair that he was sitting in previously. "I know that if you explain it was an accident then they will understand, it will make you feel better Isabella." Isabella sniffed and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "I am really thankful that you have become someone I can count on. I know that it must not be easy to hang out with someone who is still a child." Isabella chuckles as she wipes her hands on her pants.

Daniel scrunched his nose up when Isabella finished talking. "You aren't bothering me and besides, it's nice to have someone around where I don't have to be in the closet, someone who understands what I go through." Isabella nods a little bit before looking over towards the clock on Daniel's wall, her eyes go wide as she sees the time. "Shit, I appreciate you talking to me and giving me advice but I really should go. It's getting kinda late so I should get home." Isabella stood up and swallowed the last drop of lemonade that she had left.

"Of course, please let me know how it turns out." Daniel smiles and leads Isabella towards the door, she gives him one last wave before walking out the door. Isabella pushes her hair behind her ear as she walks down the path towards her house. As she walks, all the thoughts swirling in her head, she knew that Daniel was right. She has to tell her parents she knew about why they really moved to Hawkins Indiana but she's afraid, afraid that something else happened that wasn't said on the phone call, but Isabella won't know if she stays silent.

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