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Isabella felt nervous as she looked across the kitchen table towards her parents, they were having breakfast before they all have to go to work

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Isabella felt nervous as she looked across the kitchen table towards her parents, they were having breakfast before they all have to go to work. Since they've sat down Isabella hasn't said anything besides the average, hello, Isabella can tell that her parents think something is wrong.

She saw out of the corner of her eye that Marino was about to open his to say something but Isabella dropped her fork on the plate, letting it clink as it hit. "I know," Isabella said looking at her parents sharply. Marino jerked back looking at Lidia confused. "Know what, cariño?" Lidia questions gently.

"When I was working during the power outage, I called home to make sure everything was alright because I'm like you guys say a worrywart. Instead, before I could say hello I heard your voice." Isabella pointed to Marino before continuing. "Saying that you were going to be late again." Isabella pressed her lips together and she watches as Marino and Lidia look at each other with fear in their eyes. "Hija." Marino gulped reaching out his hand towards Isabella but she doesn't take it. "I was understanding but then Mom said that you took a pay cut, which is interesting because you said you got a pay raise so I was like that's that's not right, why would my parents lie to me right?"

Isabella leaned back in her chair as she studies her parents. "Then I heard it, we moved not because of a job opportunity but the fact that I was being bullied which wasn't that bad but that we death threats which no one told me about, even though I could've been hurt by someone not have known why." Marino made a wounded noise in his throat. "That's why we moved, we didn't want you to die. We didn't know if those threats were serious or not."

She runs a hand through her hair before scooting her chair back. "Pero en lugar de decirme la verdad, arriesgaste tu vida." Isabella spoke quickly. "That's all you two had to do, they're taking advantage of you because you aren't from America, none of us are. I know that we came to America for a better life, the American dream if you will but this isn't it. You got hurt in Puerto Rico because you were in this situation but now what they're doing could kill you. You should've told me because I would've understood instead of both of you making up this lie that would and could lead to you dying Papá." Isabella stood up and grabbed her plate before placing her empty plate in the sink.

"You were 14 years old Isabella, you didn't need to know the truth. I'm sorry that we didn't tell you, but we as your parents thought it would've been better if you didn't know." Marino placed his napkin harshly on the plate before scooting his chair back loudly and he walks towards his and Lidia's shared bedroom.

Isabella flinched but pressed her lips together before walking towards her room to get dressed living behind Lidia at the table.


If Isabella was being honest she would rather be anywhere but at work, or home but Robin asked her if she could double-check what they did when she wasn't and Isabella being Isabella couldn't say no to Robin but that meant staying late. If her parents had a problem with it they could call her at the shop but Isabella had a feeling they weren't going to call her.

"The week is long, the silver cat feeds, when blue meets, yellow in the west." Robin, Dustin, and Steve all say together as they stare at the board. Steve looks at them confused before they start to walk towards the exit, Isabella goes wide-eyed before grabbing her bag and getting up to chase after them. "I mean, it just can't be right," Steve says as he's pulling the gate down from the ceiling. "It's right," Isabella says looking at Robin with a half-smile.

"Honestly I think it's great news," Dustin says putting his hands in his pockets. "How is this great news? I mean so much for being an American hero, it's total nonsense." Steve exclaims. Dustin scoffs. "It's not nonsense, it's too specific it's a code." Isabella's eyebrows raise as she looks at Robin confused. "What do you mean a code?"

"Like a super-secret spy code." Dustin clarifies. "That's a total stretch," Steve said muttering to himself but Isabella heard him. "I don't know, is it?" Robin shrugs as she looks at Isabella and Steve. "You're buying into this? What about you Isabella?" Isabella shrugs at Steve. "I mean, just for kicks we should entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission," Robin adds to what Isabella was getting to. "What do you think they were going to say, fire the warhead at noon?" Dustin nods in agreement. "And our translation is correct." Robin bumps her shoulder against Isabella who smiles slightly, Isabella was doomed, she was in love with Robin.

"How do we crack it?" Isabella looks at Robin who presses her lips together. "I guess we translate the rest and hopefully a pattern emerges." Dustin nods in agreement. "A pattern, like maybe silver cat is a meeting place?" Robin raises her eyebrows. "Or a person." Dustin snaps his fingers and points them towards Robin.

"It's probably going to take a super genius to crack it but-" Robin was cut off by Isabella. "Where's Steve?" Isabella looks at Robin and Dustin concerned but they turn around to see him staring at a moving horse. "Hey, Steve!" They watch as Steve fumbles for the coins that are in his pocket. "What are you doing?" Robin asks Steve.

"Uh, it's quarters. I need a quarter do any of you have one?" Steve yells towards the group, Isabella nods before grabbing the coin out of her wallet and walking over to Steve so he can put it in. "Holy shit," Dustin said after he listened for a few seconds. "The music." Realization dawns on Isabella's face, she gestures towards Dustin to grab the recorder and he turns it on playing back the recording. "I don't understand." Robin looks at Isabella confused, so Isabella clears it up for her. "It's the same music, this code didn't come from Russia, it came from here."


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Just a reminder, I am not a native Spanish speaker nor do I know Spanish.
I got these translations from Reservo so please let me know if the translation is wrong.

Pero en lugar de decirme la verdad, arriesgaste tu vida. - But instead of telling me the truth, you risked your life.

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