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"Is everyone okay?" Isabella asks when the elevator comes to a stop because Dustin and Erica kept pushing the button quickly

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"Is everyone okay?" Isabella asks when the elevator comes to a stop because Dustin and Erica kept pushing the button quickly. "Yea, I'm great, now that I know the Russians can't design elevators!" Steve says loudly walking over to the buttons, trying to press them to get the door open. "I think we've established that those buttons don't work." Robin brushes her hair back with her hand before walking over to stand next to Isabella, Isabella could tell that Robin was still shaking from the adrenaline from the fall so Isabella reached out and grabbed her hand which Robin took.

She could see the release as Robin's shoulders dropped just by having her hold Robin's hand, Isabella jumped slightly when Steve interrupted Isabella's thoughts. "They're buttons, they have to do something." Isabella pressed her lips together and nodded at the keycard swipe. "Yeah, if we had a keycard." Steve scoffs and turns towards Isabella and Robin. "A what?"

Robin sighs next to Isabella but she doesn't release Isabella's hand, not yet. "It's an electronic lock. Same as the loading dock door. If we don't have a keycard, it won't operate, meaning-" Isabella takes over for Robin when the short-haired girl looks at her. "We're stuck in here." Erica huffs looking at Robin and Isabella's enclosed hands, Isabella glances at Robin who has a blush on her cheeks but she doesn't pull away. "Just so you nerds are aware, I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's, and Tina always covers for me. But if I'm not home for Uncle Jack's party tomorrow and my Mom finds out you four are responsible, she's gonna hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throat."

"I don't care about Tina! or Uncle Jack's party! Your Mom's not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!" Isabella sighs and drops Robin's hand before walking towards Steve. "Hey, you need to apologize to Erica. She's just scared, I know that you want to get home to Micah, I want to get home to my parents but yelling at each other won't help." Steve opened his mouth to respond but Dustin interrupted them.

"Hey, what if we climbed out?" Dustin pointed to a vent, Isabella nodded and grabbed a box to use as a step for them to reach it. "Dustin and I will go, look at it then you stay down here. It's almost gonna be the next day anyway." Steve said and helped Dustin stand on the box.

Isabella sighed and leaned against the wall before sliding down, Robin smiled at Isabella before sitting next to her on the cold floor. "To be honest, If I was trapped in the elevator with anyone I'm glad it's you." Robin jokes making Isabella smile. "I agree, prettiest girl I've ever been in an elevator with." Isabella lightly flirted with Robin, she winced waiting for Robin to bully her or call her out on but Robin just grinned widely before grabbing her hand again and squeezing it.

Isabella looks away and smiles, out of the corner of her eyes she can see Erica staring at them so Isabella looks at Erica confused, Erica makes a kissy face to Isabella who huffs and shakes her head fondly. Isabella yawns letting her head rest back against the concrete.

Isabella wakes up with a start, she rubs her eyes before they came into focus to Robin squatting in front of her with a smile. "Time to wake up." Robin holds a hand out for Isabella to take which she does and pulls up into a standing position. "Hey, be careful," Robin says to Erica who was banging the green capsule on the side of a bin. "We don't even know what that is," Isabella adds when Robin doesn't say anything else.

"Exactly. It could be useful." Robin turns towards Isabella with a raised brow. "Useful how?" Isabella crosses her arms as she looks at Erica unimpressed. "We can survive down here a long time without food, but if the human body doesn't get water, it will die." Erica was right but they weren't sure what the liquid was. "You're right but that's not water." Isabella points to the liquid that Robin was holding.

"No, but it's a liquid, and if it comes down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, I drink." Robin scoffs and turns to put the liquid back in its container when something made her pause, Erica took the opportunity to grab the liquid back but Isabella grabbed it from Erica and placed it back into its container before walking over towards Robin who had her ear against the wall.

Right, when Isabella was going to open her mouth to ask Robin what was going on she pushed past her and stuck her head through the vent. "We've got company." Isabella went wide-eyed as Robin climbed back down and gestured for Isabella and Erica to climb up to hide above the elevator.

They held their breath it seems as the Russians walked into the elevators and grabbed the boxes, Isabella saw one sniff the air before telling the other one he smelled Steve's piss. "Anything important?" Steve whispers looking at Isabella who shakes her head. Isabella watches through squinted eyes as the Russians walk out of the elevator.

Isabella carefully walks over to the vent before dropping down, she steps back and watches as Steve jumps down from the vent too but he has the green capsule, Isabella's breath catches when Steve runs with the liquid towards the door and jams it in between the doors to prevent it from closing so they can crawl out.

"Come on." Steve gestures for the kids to crawl through, Robin goes next and then Isabella. She watches with a held breath as Steve just barely makes it out before the capsule is crushed under the weight of the door. "Jesus Christ," Isabella says as they watch the liquid bubble up and sink into the ground. "You still wanna drink that?" Robin looks at Erica with a raised eyebrow who frowns.

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